Le Western, en 25 films indispensables Du 9 au 27 avril 2025

Le Western, en 25 films indispensables Du 9 au 27 avril 2025
Conquête de l'Ouest, ruée vers l'or, guerres indiennes ou de Sécession : dès sa naissance et Le Vol du grand rapide (1903), le cinéma américain s'est évertué à raconter son Histoire au travers de fresques historiques...cliqué sur l'image

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  Les aventures du Far-West
Les aventures prennent naissance au début des années 1910 avec ‘LES AVENTURES AU FAR WEST' avec BRONCHO BILLY.
Les aventures de long métrage sont mortes il y a plus de 70 ans.
On les trouvait dans les années 30 / 40 où elles avaient la part belle en première partie dans les cinémas.
Les séries sont une suite de films où chaque épisode est indépendant et constitue une histoire complète en elle-même.
Ces dernières comprenaient un début et une fin et un certain charme dans l’humour pour une durée de 60 minutes environ.
Voici la liste:


1-> Devil Riders 1943
2-> Drifter, The 1944
3-> Frontier Outlaws 1944
4-> Thundering Gun Slingers 1944
5-> Valley of Vengeance 1944
6-> Fuzzy Settles Down 1944
7-> Rustler's Hideout 1945
8-> Wild Horse Phantom 1944
9-> Oath of Vengeance 1944
10-> His Brother's Ghost 1945
11-> Shadows of Death 1945
12-> Gangster's Den 1945
13-> Stagecoach Outlaws 1945
14-> Border Badmen 1945
15-> Fighting Bill Carson 1945
16-> Prairie Rustlers 1945
17-> Lightning Raiders 1945
18-> Ghost of Hidden Valley 1946
19-> Gentlemen with Guns1946
20-> Prairie Badmen 1946
21-> Terrors on Horseback 1946
22-> Overland Riders 1946
23-> Outlaws of the Plains1946


1-> Billy the Kid Outlawed 1940  BOB STEELE
2-> Billy the Kid in Texas 1940   BOB STEELE
3-> Billy the Kid Gun's Justice 1940  BOB STEELE
4-> Billy the Kid's Range War 1941   BOB STEELE
5-> Billy the Kid's Fighting Pals 1941  BOB STEELE
6-> Billy the Kid in Santa Fe 1941   BOB STEELE
7-> Billy the Kid Wanted § Billy l'Intrépide 1941  BUSTER CRABBE
8-> Billy the Kid's Round-up § La Rafle de Billy 1941  BUSTER CRABBE
9-> Billy the Kid Trapped 1942  BUSTER CRABBE
10-> Billy the Kid's Smoking Guns 1942  BUSTER CRABBE
11-> Law and Order 1942  BUSTER CRABBE
12-> The Mysterious Rider/Panhandle Trail § Le Cavalier Mystérieux 1942 BUSTER CRABBE
13-> Sheriff of Sage Valley § Le Shériff de la Vallée 1942  BUSTER CRABBE
14-> Billy the Kid Rides Again/The Kid Rides Again 1943  BUSTER CRABBE
15-> Fugitive of the Plains 1943  BUSTER CRABBE
16-> Western Cyclone/Frontier Fighters § Billy le Bagarreur 1943  BUSTER CRABBE
17-> The Renegade § Le Renégat 1943 BUSTER CRABBE
18-> Cattle Stampede § Panique au Far West 1943  BUSTER CRABBE
19-> Blazing Frontier 1943  BUSTER CRABBE

1-> In old Arizona 1929   WARNER BAXTER
2-> The Cisco Kid 1931  WARNER BAXTER
3-> Return of the Cisco Kid § Le Retour de Cisco Kid 1939  WARNER BAXTER
4-> The Cisco Kid and the Lady 1939  CESAR ROMERO
5-> Viva Cisco Kid 1940  CESAR ROMERO
6-> Lucky Cisco Kid 1940  CESAR ROMERO
7-> The Gay Caballero 1940  CESAR ROMERO
8-> Romance of the Rio Grande 1940 CESAR ROMERO
9-> Ride on Vaquero 1941  CESAR ROMERO
10-> The Cisco Kid Returns 1945  DUNCAN RENALDO
11-> In Old New Mexico 1945 DUNCAN RENALDO
12-> South of the Rio Grande § Le Kid du Mexique 1945  DUNCAN RENALDO
13-> The Gay Cavalier § Le Gai Cavalier 1946   GILBERT ROLAND
14-> South of Monterey 1946  GILBERT ROLAND
15-> Beauty and the Bandit 1946   GILBERT ROLAND
16-> Riding the California Trail 1947  GILBERT ROLAND
17-> Robin Hood of Monterey 1947  GILBERT ROLAND
18-> King of the Bandits 1947 GILBERT ROLAND
19-> Valiant Hombre 1948  DUNCAN RENALDO
20-> The Gay Amigo 1949   DUNCAN RENALDO
21->The Daring Caballero 1949  DUNCAN RENALDO
22-> Satan's Cradle 1949   DUNCAN RENALDO
23-> The Girl from San Lorenzo/Don Amigo 1950 DUNCAN RENALDO

1-> The Medico of Painted Springs 1941
2-> Thunder over the Prairie 1941
3-> Prairie Stranger 1941

1-> Durango Kid, The 1940
2-> The Return of the Durango Kid 1945
3-> Both Barrels Blazing 1945
4-> Rustlers of the Badlands 1945
5-> Outlaws of the Rockies § Hold up dans les Rocheuse1945
6-> Blazing Across the Pecos 1948
7-> Lawless Empire § L’Empire des Hors-La-Loi 1945
8-> Texas Panhandle 1945
9-> Frontier Gunlaw § Le Mousquetaire du Ranch 1946
10-> Roaring Rangers / False Hero 1946
11-> Gunning for Vengeance 1946
12-> Galloping Thunder 1946
13-> Two-Fisted Stranger 1946
14-> The Desert Horseman 1946
15-> Heading West 1946
16-> Landrush 1949
17-> Terror Trail 1946
18-> The Fighting Frontiersman 1946
19-> South of the Chisholm Trail 1947
20-> Lone Hand Texan, The 1947
21-> West of Dodge City 1947
22-> Law of the Canyon 1947
23-> Prairie Raiders 1947
24-> The Stranger from Ponca City 1947
25-> Riders of the Lone Star 1947
26-> Buckaroo from Powder River 1947
27-> Last Days of Boot Hill 1947
28-> Six-Gun Law 1948
29-> Phantom Valley 1948
30-> West of Sonora 1948
31-> Whirlwind Raiders 1948
32-> Blazing the Western Trail 1945
33-> Trail to Laredo 1948
34-> El Dorado Pass 1948
35-> Quick on the Trigger § Le Shérif diabolique 1948
36-> Challenge of the Range 1949
37-> Desert Vigilante 1949
38-> Laramie 1949
39-> The Blazing Trail 1949
40-> South of Death Valley 1949
41-> Horsemen of the Sierras / Remember Me 1949
42-> Bandits of El Dorado 1949
43-> Renegades of the Sage 1949
44-> Trail of the Rustlers 1950
45-> Outcasts of Black Mesa 1950
46-> Texas Dynamo 1950
47-> Streets of Ghost Town 1950
48-> Across the Badlands 1950
49-> Raiders of Tomahawk Creek 1950
50-> Lightning Guns / Taking Sids 1950
51-> Frontier Outpost 1950
52-> Prairie Roundup 1951
53-> Ridin' the Outlaw Trail 1951
54-> Fort Savage Raiders 1951
55-> Snake River Desperadoes 1951
56-> Bonanza Town 1951
57-> Cyclone Fury 1951

58-> The Kid from Amarillo 1951
59-> Pecos River 1951
60-> Smoky Canyon 1952
61-> The Hawk of Wild River 1952
62-> Laramie Mountains / Mountain Desperadoes 1952
63-> The Rough, Tough West 1952
64-> Junction City 1952
65-> The Kid from Broken Gun 1952


56->Fool’s Gold 1947

1-> Hostile Country 1950
2-> Marshal of Heldorado / Blazing Guns 1950
3-> Crooked River 1950
4-> Colorado Ranger  / Guns of Justice 1950
5-> West of the Brazos / Rangeland Empire 1950
6-> Fast on the Draw /Sudden Death 1950
1-> Beyond the Last Frontier 1943 EDDIE DEW
2-> Raiders of Sunset Pass 1943 EDDIE DEW
3-> Pride of the Plains 1944 BOB LIVINGSTON
4-> Beneath Western Skies 1944 BOB LIVINGSTON

1-> The Lone Rider Rides On 1941 GEORGE HOUSTON
2-> The Lone Rider Crosses the Rio / Across the Border 1941  GEORGE HOUSTON
3-> The Lone Rider in Ghost Town 1941 GEORGE HOUSTON
4-> The Lone Rider in Frontier Fury 1941 GEORGE HOUSTON
5-> The Lone Rider Ambushed 1941 GEORGE HOUSTON
6-> The Lone Rider Fights Back 1941 GEORGE HOUSTON
7-> The Lone Rider and the Bandit 1942 GEORGE HOUSTON
8-> The Lone Rider in Cheyenne 1942 GEORGE HOUSTON
9-> The Lone Rider in Texas Justice 1942  GEORGE HOUSTON
10-> Border Roundup 1942 GEORGE HOUSTON
11-> Outlaws of Boulder Pass 1942  GEORGE HOUSTON
12-> Overland Stagecoach § La Diligence Survivra  BOB LIVINGSTON
13->Wild Horse Rustler 1943  BOB LIVINGSTON
14-> Death Rides the Plains 1943  BOB LIVINGSTON
15-> Wolves of the Range 1943  BOB LIVINGSTON
16-> Law of the Saddle 1943 BOB LIVINGSTON
17-> Raiders of Red Gap 1943 BOB LIVINGSTON

4-> Outlaws of Stampede Pass 1943
5-> The Texas Kid § L'enfant du Texas 1943
6-> Raiders of the Border 1944
7-> Partners of the Trail § Deux sur la piste 1944
10-> West of the Rio Grande 1944
11-> Land of the Outlaws § La terre des hors-la-loi 1944
12-> Law of the Valley 1944
13-> Ghost Guns § Le fantôme au revolver 1944
14-> The Navajo Trail § Le voleur de chevaux 1945
15-> Gun Smoke § Balles sifflantes 1945
16-> Stranger From Santa Fe 1945
17-> The Lost Trail § La diligence attaquée 1945
18-> Frontier Feud § Clans ennemis 1945
19 -> BorderBandits § Les bandits de l'Arizona 1946

1-> The Range Busters § Le Ranch de l'Épouvante 1940 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
2-> Trailing Double Trouble § Rapt à l'Ouest 1940 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
3-> West of Pinto Basin 1940  RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
4-> Trail of the Silver Spurs § La Piste de l'Éperon d'Argent 1941 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN5
5-> Kid’s Last Ride 1941 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
6-> Tumbledown Ranch in Arizona 1941   RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
7-> Wrangler's Roost § Les Pirates de la Prairie 1941 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
8-> Fugitive Valley § Le Passage Maudit 1941 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
9-> Saddle Mountain Roundup § Le Mystère du Ranch 1941 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
10-> Tonto basin outlaws 1941  RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
11-> Underground Rustlers § Les Mousquetaires du Far West 1941 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
12-> Thunder River Feud 1942 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
13-> Rock River Renegades § Le Secret du Shérif 1942 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
14-> Boot Hill Bandits § Le Bandit Mystérieux 1942 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
15->Texas Trouble Shooters § Trouble au Texas 1942 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
16-> Arizona Stage Coach § La Diligence de l'Arizona 1942 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
17-> Texas to Bataan 1942  JOHN 'DUSTY' KING
18-> Trail Riders / Overland Trail 1942  JOHN 'DUSTY' KING
19-> Two Fisted Justice 1943 JOHN 'DUSTY' KING
20-> Haunted Ranch 1943 JOHN 'DUSTY' KING
21-> Land of Hunted Men 1943 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
22-> Cowboy Commandos 1943 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
23-> Black Market Rustlers 1943  RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN
24-> Bullets and Saddles 1943 RAY 'CRASH' CORRIGAN

1-> Tucson Raiders 1944  BILL ELLIOTT
2-> Marshal of Reno 1944  BILL ELLIOTT
3-> The San Antonio Kid 1944 BILL ELLIOTT
4-> Cheyenne Wildcat 1944   BILL ELLIOTT
5-> Vigilantes of Dodge City 1944 BILL ELLIOTT
6-> Sheriff of Las Vegas 1944  BILL ELLIOTT
7-> Great Stagecoach Robbery 1945 BILL ELLIOTT
8-> The Lone Texas Ranger 1945 BILL ELLIOTT
9-> Phantom of the Plains  §  Les Fantômes de la Plaine 1945 BILL ELLIOTT
10-> Marshal of Laredo 1945 BILL ELLIOTT
11-> Colorado Pioneers 1945  BILL ELLIOTT
12-> Wagon Wheels Westward 1945 BILL ELLIOTT
13-> California Gold Rush 1946  BILL ELLIOTT
14-> Sheriff of Redwood Valley 1946 BILL ELLIOTT
15-> Sun Valley Cyclone 1946  BILL ELLIOTT
16-> Conquest of Cheyenne 1946 BILL ELLIOTT
17-> Santa Fe Uprising 1946   ALLAN LANE
18-> Stagecoach to Denver 1946   ALLAN LANE
19-> Vigilantes of Boomtown 1947  ALLAN LANE
20-> Homesteaders of Paradise Valley 1947 ALLAN LANE
21-> Oregon Trail Scouts 1947  ALLAN LANE
22-> Rustlers of Devil's Canyon 1947 ALLAN LANE
23-> Marshal of Cripple Creek 1947  ALLAN LANE
24-> Ride Ryder Ride ! 1949  JIM BANNON
25-> Roll, Thunder, Roll! 1949 JIM BANNON
26-> The Fighting Redhead 1949 JIM BANNON
27-> Cowboy and the Prizefighter 1949 JIM BANNON

1-> The Rangers Take Over 1942  DAVE O'BRIEN
2-> Bad Men of Thunder Gap 1943 DAVE O'BRIEN
3-> West of Texas / Shootin' Irons 1943  DAVE O'BRIEN
4-> Border Buckaroos 1943 DAVE O'BRIEN
5-> Fighting Valley 1943  DAVE O'BRIEN
6-> Trail of Terror 1943  DAVE O'BRIEN
7-> The Return of the Rangers 1943 DAVE O'BRIEN
8-> Boss of Rawhide 1943  DAVE O'BRIEN
9-> Gunsmoke Mesa 1944   DAVE O'BRIEN
10-> Outlaw Roundup 1944 DAVE O'BRIEN
11-> Guns of the Law 1944  DAVE O'BRIEN
12-> The Pinto Bandit 1944 DAVE O'BRIEN
13-> Spook Town 1944 DAVE O'BRIEN
14-> Brand of the Devil 1944 DAVE O'BRIEN
15-> Gangsters of the Frontier 1944  TEX RITTER
16-> Dead or Alive § Les Bandits du Far west 1944 TEX RITTER
17-> The Whispering Skull 1944  TEX RITTER
18-> Marked for Murder 1945 TEX RITTER
19-> Enemy of the Law 1945 TEX RITTER
20-> Three in the Saddle 1945 TEX RITTER
21-> Frontier Fugitives § Le Cavalier de la Frontière 1945 TEX RITTER
22-> Flaming Bullets 1945 TEX RITTER


6-> Hit the Saddle 1937  BOB LIVINGSTON
7-> Gunsmoke Ranch 1937  BOB LIVINGSTON
8-> Come On, Cowboys! 1937 BOB LIVINGSTON
9-> Range Defenders 1937  BOB LIVINGSTON
10-> Heart of the Rockies 1937  BOB LIVINGSTON
27-> Cowboys from Texas 1939 BOB LIVINGSTON
28-> Heroes of the Saddle 1940 BOB LIVINGSTON
29-> Pioneers of the West 1940  BOB LIVINGSTON
30-> Covered Wagon Days 1940 BOB LIVINGSTON
31-> Rocky Mountain Rangers 1940 BOB LIVINGSTON
32-> Oklahoma Renegades § Les Heros de la plaines 1940  BOB LIVINGSTON
33-> Under Texas Skies § Les Gangsters du Texas 1940  BOB LIVINGSTON
34-> The Trail Blazers 1940 BOB LIVINGSTON
35-> Lone Star Raiders 1940 BOB LIVINGSTON
36-> Prairie Pioneers 1941  BOB STEELE
37-> Pals of the Pecos 1941  BOB LIVINGSTON
38-> Saddlemates 1941  BOB LIVINGSTON
39-> Gang of Sonora 1941 BOB LIVINGSTON
40-> Outlaws of Cherokee Trail 1941 BOB STEELE
43-> Code of the Outlaw 1942  BOB STEELE
44-> Raiders of the Range 1942 BOB STEELE
45-> Westward Ho 1942 BOB STEELE
47-> Shadows on the Sage 1942 BOB STEELE
48-> Valley of Hunted Men 1942 BOB STEELE
49-> Thundering Trails 1943 BOB STEELE
50-> The Blocked Trail 1943  BOB STEELE
51-> Santa Fe Scouts 1943 BOB STEELE
52-> Riders of the Rio Grande 1943  BOB STEELE

1-> Wild Horse Stampede 1943 KEN MAYNARD
2-> Law Rides Again, The 1943 KEN MAYNARD
3-> Blazing Guns 1943 KEN MAYNARD
4-> Death Valley Rangers § La Vallée de la Mort 1943 KEN MAYNARD
5-> Westward Bound § Vers l'Ouest 1944 KEN MAYNARD
6-> Arizona Whirlwind § Le Tourbillon de l'Arizona 1944 KEN MAYNARD
7-> Outlaw Trail 1944 HOOT GIBSON
8-> Sonora Stagecoach § La Diligence de la Mort 1944 HOOT GIBSON

1-> Prairie schooners 1940  BILL ELLIOTT
2-> Beyond the Sacramento 1940 BILL ELLIOTT
3-> The Wildcat of Tucson 1940  BILL ELLIOTT
4-> Across the Sierras 1941   BILL ELLIOTT
5-> North from the Lone Star 1941 BILL ELLIOTT
6-> Hands Across the Rockies 1941 BILL ELLIOTT
7-> King of Dodge City 1941 TEX RITTER
8-> Roaring Frontiers 1941 BILL ELLIOTT
9-> Lone Star Vigilantes 1942 BILL ELLIOTT
10-> Bullets for Bandits 1942  BILL ELLIOTT
11-> The Devil's Trail 1942  BILL ELLIOTT
12-> Prairie Gunsmoke 1942  TEX RITTER
13-> Behind Southern Lines 1952  GUY MADISON
14-> The Ghost of Crossbones Canyon 1952  GUY MADISON
15-> Trail of the Arrow 1952 GUY MADISON
16-> The Yellow Haired Kid 1952 GUY MADISON
17-> Border City Rustlers 1953 GUY MADISON
18-> Secret of Outlaw Flats 1953  GUY MADISON
19-> Six-Gun Decision 1953 GUY MADISON
20-> Two Gun Marshal 1953 GUY MADISON
21-> Marshals in Disguise 1954  GUY MADISON
22-> Outlaw's Son 1954  GUY MADISON
23-> Trouble on the Trail 1954 GUY MADISON
24-> The Two Gun Teacher 1954 GUY MADISON
25-> Timber Country Trouble 1955  GUY MADISON
26-> The Match Making Marshal 1955 GUY MADISON
27-> The Titled Tenderfoot 1955 GUY MADISON
28-> Phantom Trails 1955 GUY MADISO

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