100 Rifles / Les Cent Fusils 1969
13 Fighting Men 1960
3:10 to Yuma / 3 h
10 pour Yuma 1957
3:10 to Yuma / 3 h
10 pour Yuma 2007
40 Guns to Apache
Pass 1967
45 Calibre Echo 1932
A - A
A Bullet is
Waiting / Une Balle vous attend 1954
A Holy Terror 1931
Abe Lincoln in
Illinois / Abraham Lincoln 1943
Abraham lincoln - 1930
Across the
Badlands - 1950
Across the Great
Divide / La Traversée Sauvage 1976
Across the Rio Grande / En Traversant le Rio Grande 1949
Adios 1930
Adiós Amigo 1976
Advance to the
Rear / Le Bataillon des lâches 1964
Adventures in Silverado / Le Brigand de Silverado 1948
Adventures of
Bullwhip Griffin / L’Honorable Griffin 1967
Adventures of Don
Coyote (The) 1947
Adventures of
Frontier Fremont 1976
Adventures of
Gallant Bess 1948
Adventures of Red
Ryder (Serial) 1940
Adventures of
Texas Jack 1934
Adventures of the
Masked Phantom (The) 1939
Adventures of the
Texas Kid : Border Ambush 1954
Adventures of the
Tucson kid 1953
Against a Crooked
Sky 1975
Alamo (The) / Alamo 1960
Alamo (The) 2004
Albuquerque / La Descente Tragique 1948
Jesse James / Ne tirez pas sur le Bandit 1959
Alias The Bad Man / Justiciers du Texas 1931
All Mine to Give / Le Bourrasque - 1957
All Mine to Give / Le Bourrasque - 1957
All the
Pretty Horses / De si jolis Chevaux 2000
Almost Heroes / Les premiers colons 1998
the Great Divide / Le Désert de la
peur - Une corde pour te pendre 1951
Along the Mohawk
Trail 1957
Along the Rio Grande 1941
Alvarez Kelly 1966
Ambush / Embuscade 1949
Ambush at Cimarron
Pass 1958
Ambush Valley / La Vallée de l'Embuscade 1936
American Bandits
Frank and Jesse 2010
American Empire / Far West 1942
American Outlaws 2001
(The) / Rendez-vous sur l'Amazone 1955
An eye
for an Eye - Talion / Un œil pour un œil 1966
And now Miguel / Grande Escapade 1966
And Should We Die 1966
Angel and the
badman 2009
and the Badman / L’Ange et le Mauvais Garçon 1947
Animals (The) 1970
Get Your Gun / Annie, Reine du Cirque 1950
Apache / Bronco Apache 1954
Apache Ambush 1955
Apache Blood - Pursuit 1975
Apache Chief 1949
Apache Drums / Quand les Tambours s’arrêteront 1951
Apache Kid (The) 1941
Apache War Smoke 1952
Apache Warrior 1957
Appaloosa 2008
Appaloosa (The) / L’Homme
de la Sierra 1966
Apple Dumpling Gang (The) 1975
Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again ( The) 1979
Arena 1953
Arizona 1940
Bushwhackers / Les Rebelles de
l’Arizona 1968
Arizona Cyclone 1934
Arizona Frontier 1940
Kid (The) / Le Tigre de l'Arizona 1930
Arizona Mahoney -
Bad Men of Arizona 1936
Arizona Manhunt 1951
Arizona Nights 1934
Arizona Territory 1950
Thunderbolt 1936
Arizona Trail / Sur la piste de l' Arizona 1943
Arizona Whirlwind / Le Tourbillon de l'Arizona 1944
Arizona Wildcat (The) 1939
Arkansas Judge 1941
Arkansas Swing 1949
Arm of the Law 1932
Arrow in
the Dust / Le Défi des flèches 1954
Arrowhead / Le Sorcier du Rio Grande 1953
of J. J. by the Coward R. Ford (The) / L’Assassinat de J. J. par le lâche R.
Ford 2007
Gunpoint / Le Doigt sur la gâchette 1955
Avenger (The) 1931
Avenging (The) -Two Against the Wind 1982
Avenging Waters / Le Torrent justicier 1936
B - B
Back in the Saddle 1941
Back to God’sCountry / Le Justicier
Impitoyable 1953
Back to the Future
Part III / Retour vers le futur III 1990
Back Trail 1948
/ Coup de Fouet en Retour 1956
Backtrack ! 1969
Bad Bascomb / L’Ange et le Bandit 1946
Bad Company 1972
Bad Girls / Les Belles de l'Ouest 1994
Bad Lands 1939
Bad Man (The) 1930
Bad Man (The) 1941
Bad Man from Big
Bend - Swing,cow boy,swing 1946
Bad Man of Harlem
- Harlem on the Prairie 1937
Bad Men of Tombstone / J'ai Épousé un Hors-la-Loi 1949
Badge of Marshal
Brennan (The) -1957
Badlanders (The ) / L’Or du Hollandais 1958
Badlands of Dakota 1941
Badlands of Montana 1957
Badman's Country 1958
Badman's Gold 1951
Badman's Territory 1946
Ballad of a
Gunfighter / Règlement de Comptes à San Angelo -1964
Ballad of Cable Hogue (The) /
La Ballade de Cable Hogue -1970
Ballad of Gavilan (The)
/ Gavilan 1968
Ballad of
Josie (The) /Le Ranch de
l'Injustice -1967
Band of Angels / L’ esclave libre -1957
Bandidas 2006
Bandido / Bandido
Caballero 1956
Bandit Trail (The) 1941
Bandits ( The) 1967
Bandits and
Ballads 1939
Bandits of El
Dorado 1949
Bandits of the West 1953
Bandolero! 1968
Bar 20 Rides Again 1935
Barbary Coast / Ville sans Loi 1935
Barbed Wire 1952
Bar-L Ranch 1930
Baron of
Arizona (The) / Le Baron de l'Arizona 1950
Barquero 1970
Barricade 1950
Buckaroo (The) 1937
Battle at Apache Pass (The) / Au Mépris des Lois -1952
Battling Buckaroo 1932
Battling Marshal 1950
Battling with
Buffalo Bill / Buffalo Bill (Serial) 1931
Beast of Hollow
Mountain (The) 1956
Beau Bandit 1930
Beautiful Blonde
from Bashful Bend (The) / Mam'zelle Mitraillette 1949
Beguiled (The) / Les proies 1971
Southern Lines 1952
Belle of
the Nineties / Ce n'est pas un Péché 1934
Belle of
the Yukon 1944
Belle Starr / La Reine des rebelles 1941
Bells of Coronado 1950
Bells of Rosarita 1945
Bells of San
Fernando 1947
Below the Border 1942
Bend of the River / Les Affameurs 1952
Beneath Western Skies 1944
Best of
the Badmen / Plus Fort que la Loi 1951
Between Fighting Men 1932
Between the Sand
and the Sky 2008
Beyond the Law 1930
Beyond the Law 1934
Beyond the Pecos /
Vendetta au Far West 1945
Beyond the Rio
Grande 1930
Beyond the Rockies 1932
Big Bonanza (The) 1944
Big Cat, The / Le Chat Sauvage 1949
Big Country (The) / Les Grands
Espaces 1958
Big Deal at Dodge
City / Big Hand for the Little Lady (a) / Gros coup à Dodge City 1966
Big Jake 1971
Big Show (The) / Far West Melody 1936
Sky (The) / La Captive aux yeux clairs 1952
BigTrail (The) / La
Piste des Géants 1930
trees (The) /
La Vallée des géants 1951
Billy the Kid / Le
Réfractaire 1941
Billy the Kid 1930
Billy the Kid in
Law and Order 1942
Billy the Kid
Returns / Le Retour de Billy Le Kid 1938
Billy the Kid
Rides Again - Kid Rides Again, The 1943
Billy the Kid
versus Dracula / Billy Le Kid contre
Dracula 1966
Billy the Kid Wanted / Billy l'Intrépide 1941
Billy the Kid's
Smoking Guns 1942
Two Hats / Une Corde pour te Pendre 1974
Bite the
Bullet / La Chevauchée
Sauvage 1975
Black Dragon
Canyon 2005
Black Eagle 1948
Black Ghost (The)1932
Gold / Le Gagnant du Kentucky 1947
Black Hills Ambush 1952
Black Lash (The) 1952
Black mountain
stage 1941
Patch / L’Homme au Bandeau Noir 1957
Black Robe 1991
Black Spurs / Les Éperons Noirs 1965
Black Whip (The) 1956
Blackthorn 2011
Blade Rider,
Revenge of the Indian Nations 1966
Bullets / La Grande Bagarre 1951
Blazing Frontier 1943
Blazing Guns1935
Saddles / Le Shérif est en Prison 1974
Blazing Sixes 1937
Stewardesses 1975
Blazing Sun (The) - The blazing hills 1950
Blocked Trail (The) 1943
Blood Arrow 1958
Blood on the Arrow
/ Mille Dollars pour une Winchester-La Flèche sanglante 1964
Blood on the Moon
/ Ciel Rouge 1948
Blowing Wild / Le Soufle sauvage 1953
Point (The) / La Peste du Ranch 1932
Caballero (The) / Le Bouillant Cavalier -Le Cavalier de la
Nuit 1936
Bonanza Town 1951
Bone Tomahawk 2015
Border Bandits / Les Bandits de l'Arizona 1946
Cafe / Café Frontière 1937
Border City
Rustlers / Wild Bill Hickok 1953
Border Fence -Cactus Barrier 195
Border Guns 1934
Border Legion (The) 1930
Border Rangers 1950
River / Les Rebelles 1954
Roundup 1942
Border Shootout-
Law at Randado- Randado / Ville Sans Loi 1990
Border Vigilantes 1941
Borderland / L’Agent de Rio Grande 1937
Born Reckless 1958
Born to Love You 1999
Boss Nigger 1974
Boss of Rawhide 1943
Boss Rider of Gun
Creek 1936
Bounty 2009
Bounty Hunter (The) / Terreur à l'Ouest 1954
Bounty Killer (The) / Chasseur de Primes 1965
Bowery Buckaroos 1947
Boy from
Oklahoma (The) / L’Homme des plaines 1954
Branded / Marqué au Fer 1950
Branded Men / Les Volontaires de la Mort 1931
Bravados (The) 1958
Bell (The) / Panique
à l'Ouest 1962
Pass / Le Solitaire de Fort Humboldt 1975
Brigham/ Savage Journey, Histoire de John
Smith, des Mormons et des Indiens 1977
Young / L’Odyssée des Mormons 1940
Leaf / Le Roi du tabac 1950
Brimstone/ Le Cavalier fantôme 1949
Brimstone 2016
Arrow / La Flèche brisée 1950
fences 2008
Lance / La Lance brisée 1954
Broken Land (The) 1962
Bronco Buster 1952
Brooklyn Buckaroos 1950
Brothers in Arms 2005
Brothers of the
West 1937
O'Toole (The) 1973
Buchanan Rides Alone / L’Aventurier du Texas 1958
Buck and the
Preacher / Buck et son Complice 1972
Buckaroo 2005
Buckaroo from
Powder River 1947
Buckaroo Sheriff
of Texas 1951
Buckskin 1968
Buckskin Frontier / La Vallée Infernale 1943
Buffalo Bill 1944
Buffalo Bill and
the Indians / Buffalo Bill et les
indiens 1976
Buffalo Gun 1961
Buffalo Rider 1978
in the Afternoon / Les Clairons Sonnent la Charge 1952
Bullet Code 1940
Robbers' Roost 1932
Robbers' Roost 1932
Bullet for a Badman / La Patrouille de la Violence 1964
/ La Femme au Fouet 1958
Burning Hills (The) / Collines Brûlantes 1956
Burrowers (The) 2008
Bushwhackers (The) 1952
Butch and Sundance
: The Early Days / Les Joyeux Débuts de Butch Cassidy 1979
Butch Cassidy and
the Sundance Kid / Butch Cassidy
et Le Kid 1969
Buzzy and the Phantom
Pinto 1941
Buzzy Rides the
Range 1940
C - C
Cactus Kid (The) 1935
U.S. Marshal / Les Cordes de la Potence 1973
Cain's Cutthroats - Cain's Way 1971
Calaboose 1943
Jane / La Blonde du Far West 1953
Jane and Sam Bass / La Fille des
Prairies 1949
California 1963
California / Californie Terre Promise 1946
Conquest / Californie en Flammes 1952
California Firebrand 1948
Frontier 1938
Joe 1943
California Mail 1936
Californian (The)- Gentleman from California 1937
Call of the Coyote 1934
Call of the Desert 1930
Call of the Forest 1949
Call of the Klondike 1950
Call of the Prairie 1936
Call of the
Rockies / L’Appel des Rochers 1938
Call of the West
/ Call of the Rockies 1930
Call of the
Wild (The) / L’Appel
de la Forêt 1935
Call of the Yukon / La Grande Débâcle 1938
Callaway Went
/ Une Vedette Disparue 1951
Camper John - Gentle Savage 1973
Canadian Pacific 1949
(The) /
Les Canadiens 1961
for Cordoba / Les Canons de Cordoba 1970
Can't Help Singing / Caravane
d'Amour 1944
Canyon Ambush 1952
Canyon Crossroads 1955
Passage /
Le Passage du Canyon 1946
Captain Apache -
Guns of April Morning ( The) 1971
John Smith and Pocahontas / Les Flèches
de Feu 1953
Captain thunder 1931
Captive : The
Longest Drive 2 (The) 1976
Trail (The) /
La Caravane Traquée 1946
Carolina Moon 1940
Carrying the Mail 1934
CarsonCity / Les Conquérants de Carson City 1952
Carson City
Cyclone 1943
Cast a Long Shadow 1959
Cowboy (The) / Un Cow-Boy à Hawaï 1974
Cat Ballou 1965
Catlow 1971
Cattle Annie and
Little Britches / Winchesters et
longs jupons 1981
Drive / L’Enfant du Désert 1951
Cattle Empire 1958
Cattle King -
Guns of Wyoming / Les Ranchers du Wyoming 1963
Queen 1951
Cattle Stampede / Panique au Far West 1943
Cattle Thief (The) 1936
Cattle Town 1952
Caught 1931
Cavalry Charge -
Last Outpost (The) 1951
Challenge of Rin
Tin Tin (The) 1957
Challenge of the
Range 1949
Challenge to Be
Free - Mad Trapper of the Yukon 1976
Charge at Feather River (The) / La Charge sur la Rivière Rouge 1953
One-Eye / Charley le Borgne 1973
Charro ! 1969
Land / La Collines de la Terreur 1972
Cheatin' Hearts - Paper Hearts 1993
Check Your Guns 1948
Cherokee Strip (The) / Les Conquérants de l'Ouest 1937
Cheyenne 1996
Autumn / Les Cheyennes 1964
Cyclone (The) / Rustlers' Ranch 1931
Cheyenne Kid (The) 1933
Cheyenne Kid (The)1930
Cheyenne Rides Again 1937
Social Club (The) / Attaque au Cheyenne-Club 1970
Cheyenne Wildcat 1944
Crazy Horse / Le Grand Chef 1955
Chisum 1970
Christmas Kid (The) 1967
Mountain 1981
/ La Ruée vers l'Ouest 1960
Cisco Kid (The) 1931
Cisco Kid in Old
New Mexico (The) 1945
City of Bad Men 1953
Slickers / La Vie, l'Amour, les Vaches 1991
City Slickers II :
The Legend of Curly's Gold / L’Or de Curly 1994
Clayton's Riders 1991
Clearcut 1991
Cockeyed Cowboys
of Calico County 1970
Code of Honor 1930
Code of the Fearless / Les Intrépides 1939
Code of the Lawless 1945
Code of the Mounted 1935
Code of the Range 1936
Code of the
Rangers 1972
Cold Day in Hell (a) 2011
Cold Mountain 2003
Younger, Gunfighter / Le Desperado de
la Plaine 1958
Ambush / Le Guet-Apens Fatal 1951
Colorado Ranger / Guns of Justice 1950
Colorado Serenade 1946
Colorado Territory / La Fille du Désert 1949
Colorado Trail 1938
Colt 45 - Thunderclouds / Colt 45 1950
Colt Comrades / La Confrérie du Revolver 1943
South / L’Héroïque Lieutenant 1953
Comanche 1956
Comanche Crossing 1968
Comanche moon 2008
Station 1960
Comancheros (The) /
Les Comancheros 1961
Come hell or High
Water 2008
Come on Danger! 1932
Comes a
Horseman / Le Souffle de la Tempête 1978
( The) / La Poursuite dura Sept Jours 1954
Kid (The) 1930
Conquerors (The) / Les Conquérants 1932
Conquest of
Cochise 1953
Conspiration (The) /
La Conspiration 2010
Convict Stage 1965
Sky 1957
Coroner Creek / Ton Heure a Sonnée 1948
Count Three and
Pray 1955
Beyond (The) / Le Traineau Magique 1936
Courtin' Trouble 1948
Courtin Wildcats 1929
Covered Wagon Days 1940
Covered Wagon Raid 1950
Covered Wagon
Trails 1930
Cowboy 1958
Cowboy and the
Blonde (The) 1941
Cowboy and the
Indians (The) 1949
Cowboy and the Lady (The) / Madame et son Cow-Boy 1938
Cowboy and the
Outlaw, (The)
Cowboy and the
Prizefighter 1949
Cowboy Blues 1946
Cowboy Counsellor 1932
Cowboy from
Brooklyn / Joyeux comperes 1938
Cowboy from
Lonesome River 1944
Cowboy Holiday 1934
Cowboy in the
Clouds 1943
Cowboy Serenade 1942
Cowboy Star (The) 1936
Cowboy Up 2001
Cowboy (The) 1951
Cowboys (The) / Les Cow-Boys 1972
and Aliens / Cowboys et envahisseurs 2011
Cowboys from Texas 1939
Crashing Broadway 1932
Crashing Thru 1939
Crashing Thru 1949
Paradise (The) - Fighting Playboy 1933
Crooked River 1950
Crossed Trails 1948
Crusaders of the
West 1930
Cry Blood, Apache / Le Dernier
des Apaches 1970
Cry Blue Sky / Eyes of Fire / Les
yeux de feu 1983
Cry for Me, Billy - Apache massacre / L’Apache 1972
Cattle Co. (The) / La Poussière, la sueur et la
poudre 1972
Curse of the
Undead / Dans
les griffes du vampire 1959
Curtain Call at
Cactus Creek 1950
Custer of the West / Custer,
l'homme de l'Ouest 1967
Cyclone Fury 1951
Cyclone Kid 1931
Cyclone on Horseback 1941
D - D
Dakota Incident / Guet-apens chez les Sioux 1956
Dakota Kid (The) 1951
Dalton Girls (The) 1957
Dalton That Got Away (The) 1960
Daltons Ride Again (The) / Quatre
Bandits de Coffeyville 1945
Dan Candy's Law -Alien Thunder / Le Tonnerre Rouge 1974
Dances with Wolves / Danse avec les Loups 1990
Danger Ahead 1940
Danger Patrol 1937
Daniel Boone 1936
Daniel Boone Frontier Trail Rider / Daniel Boone le Trappeur 1966
Daniel Boone Frontier Trail Rider / Daniel Boone le Trappeur 1966
Daniel Boone, Trail Blazer / Daniel Boone, l'Invincible Trappeur 1956
Daring Caballero (The) 1949
Dark Command / L’Escadron Noir 1940
Daughter of the West 1949
Davy Crockett and the River
Pirates / Davy Crockett et les
Pirates de la Rivière 1956
Davy Crockett Indian Scout 1950
Davy Crockett King of the Wild Frontier / Davy
Crockett, Roi des Tappeurs 1954
Dawn Rider (The) / Le Cavalier de
l'Aube 1935
Dawn Trail (The) 1930
Day of Fury (a) /
Vingt-Quatre Heures de Terreur 1956
Day of the Bad Man - Decision
at Durango / La Journée des
Violents 1958
Day of the Evil Gun / Le Jour des Apaches 1968
Day of the Outlaw / La Chevauchée des Bannis 1959
Dead Birds 2004
Dead Man 1995
Dead Man's Cards 2005
Dead Man's Gold 1948
Dead Man's Gulch 1943
Dead Man's Trail 1952
Deadline (The) 1931
Deadly Companions
(The) / New
Mexico 1961
Deadly Trackers (The) / Le Sherif
ne Pardonne pas 1973
Deadwood '76 1965
Death Goes North 1939
Death of a Gunfighter / Une Poignée de Plombs 1969
Death Valley 1946
Decision at Sundown / Sentence à l'Aube 1957
Deerslayer 1943
Defiance 2002
Defying the Law 1935
Denver and Rio Grande / Les
Rivaux du Rail 1952
Denver Kid (The) 1948
Deputy Marshal / L’Inconnu aux Deux Colts 1949
Desert Guns 1936
Desert Horseman (The) 1946
Desert Man 1934
Desert Mesa 1935
Desert Patrol 1938
Desert Vultures 1930
Desperado (The) 1954
Desperadoes' Outpost 1952
Desperados (The) /La Haine des Desperados 1969
Desperados Are in Town (The) 1956
Desperados Are in Town (The) 1956
Destry / Le Nettoyeur 1954
Destry Rides Again / Femme ou Démon 1939
Devil’s bedroom (The) 1964
Devil's Canyon / Nuit Sauvage 1953
Devil's Canyon 1935
Devil's Children (The) / Les Enfants du Diable 1962
Devil’s Disciple (The) / Au fil de l’épée 1959
Devil's Doorway /La Porte du Diable 1950
Devil's Mistress (The) 1966
Devil's Saddle Legion (The) 1937
Diamond Trail (The) 1933
Dirty Dingus Magee / Un Beau Salaud 1970
Dirty Little Billy / Billy
le Cave 1972
Distant Drums / Les Aventures du Capitaine
Wyatt 1951
Distant Trumpet (A) /
La Charge de la Huitième Brigade 1964
Django Unchained 2012
Doc / Doc
Holliday 1971
Doc Hooker's Bunch 1976
Dodge City Trail 1936
Don Ricardo Returns 1946
Don't Fence Me In 1945
Doolins of Oklahoma (The) / Face
au Châtiment 1949
Double-Barrelled Detective Story (The) / Mekas
Western 1965
Down in the valley 2005
Down Texas Way 1942
Down the Wyoming Trail 1939
Dr. Carstair's 1869 Love-Root Elixir / Sticky Fingers 1972
Dragoon Wells Massacre / La Poursuite Fantastique 1957
Drango / Le Pays de la Haine 1957
Drift Fence / Texas Desperadoes 1936
Driftin' River / La Mort Est Peut-Être pour ce
Soir 1946
Drifting Along 1946
Drifting Westward 1939
Drum Beat / L’ Aigle Solitaire 1954
Drums Across the River / La Rivière
Sanglante 1954
Drums Along the Mohawk / Sur la piste des Mohawks 1939
Drums in the Deep South 1951
Drylanders / Un Autre pays 1963
Duchess and the Dirtwater
Fox (The) /
La Duchesse et le Truand 1976
Dude Goes West (The) /
Le Bourgeois Téméraire 1948
Dude Ranch 1931
Dude Ranger (The) 1934
Dude Wrangler (The) 1930
Dudes Are Pretty People 1942
Duel at Apache Wells / Bagarres à Apache Wells 1957
Duel at Diablo / La Bataille de la Vallée du
Diable 1966
Duel at Silver Creek (The)- Claim Jumpers / Duel sans Merci 1952
Duel in the Sun / Duel au soleil 1946
Duel on Mississipi / Duel sur le Mississipi 1955
Dugan of the Badlands 1931
Durango Kid (The) 1940
Durango Valley Raiders 1938
E - E
Eagle and the Hawk (The) / L’Aigle et le Vautour 1950
Eagle's Brood (The) 1935
Eagle's Wing / L’Étalon de Guerre 1979
El Condor 1970
El Dorado 1966
El Dorado Pass 1948
El Paso / El Paso, Ville sans Loi 1949
Electric Horseman (The) / Le Cavalier Électrique 1979
Elfego Baca: Six Gun Law 1962
Empty Holsters / Crime au Far West 1937
Empty Saddles 1936
End of the Trail 1932
End of the Trail / Le Chemin du Retour 1936
End of the Trail / Le Chemin du Retour 1936
Enter the Devil - Disciples of death 1972
Escape from Fort Bravo / Fort
Bravo 1953
Escape from Red Rock 1957
Escort West / Escorte pour l'Oregon 1958
Eureka Stockade - Massacre Hill 1949
F - F
Face to Face / Le Compagnon
Secret- La Fiancée du Shériff 1952
Fair Warning /
Le Siffleur Tragique 1931
False Colors 1943
Fancy Pants / Propre à Rien 1950
Fangs of the Arctic 1953
Far Country (The) / Je suis un aventurier 1954
Far Horizons (The) /
Horizons Lointains 1955
Far Out West (The) 1967
Far Side of Jericho (The) 2006
Fargo Kid (The) 1940
Fastest Guitar Alive (The) 1967
Fastest Gun Alive (The) / La Première Balle Tue 1956
Fence Riders 1950
Ferocious Pal 1934
Feud (The) 1977
Feud Maker (The)
Feud of the Range -Feud on the Range / La Terreur du
Ranch 1939
Feud of the West 1936
Feudin Rhythm 1949
Fiddle: An American Family Saga (The) / Ozarks: Legacy & Legend 1995
Fiend Who Walked the West (The) /
Le Tueur qui Murmure 1958
Fighting Cowboy (The) 1933
Fighting Kentuckian (The) / Le Bagarreur du
Kentuky 1949
Fighting Legion (The) 1930
Fighting Mad 1944
Fighting Man of the Plains / L’Homme de Kansas
City 1949
Fighting Mustang 1948
Fighting Parson (The) 1933
Fighting Phantom (The) -Mysterious Rider (The) 1933
Fighting Ranger (The) 1948
Fighting Redhead (The) 1949
Fighting Through 1934
Fighting Thru ; or, California in 1878- Fightin' Ranch
/Pour le Droit et l'Honneur 1930
Fighting to Live 1934
Fighting Valley 1943
Fighting westerner-Rocky Mountain Mystery 1935
Final Hour (The) 1965
Finger on the Trigger / Le Chemin de l'Or 1965
Firebrand Jordan -Two-Gun Jordan 1930
Firebrand (The) 1962
Firecreek / Les Cinq Hors-la-Loi 1968
First Texan (The) /
Attaque à l'Aube 1956
First Traveling Saleslady (The) /
La VRP de Choc 1956
Five Bad Men 1935
Five Bloody Graves / Le Rescapé de la Vallée de la Mort 1970
Five Bold Women / Le Shérif aux 5 Étoiles -Cinq Pistolets
Roses 1960
Five Card Stud /
Cinq cartes a abattre 1968
Five Guns to Tombstone 1960
Five Guns West / Cinq Fusils à l'Ouest 1955
Flame of Barbary Coast / La Belle de San Francisco
Flame of the West 1945
Flaming Frontier 1958
Flaming Guns 1932
Flaming Lead 1939
Flaming Star / Les Rôdeurs de la Plaine 1960
Flashing Guns 1947
Fool's Gold 1947
For the Love of Mike 1960
Forbidden Trail 1932
Forbidden Trails 1941
Forbidden Valley 1938
Forest Rangers (The) / La Fille de la Forêt 1942
Fort Apache / Le Massacre de Fort Apache1948
Fort Courageous 1965
Fort Defiance / Le Fort de la Vengeance 1951
Fort Dobbs / Sur La piste des Comanches 1958
Fort Dodge Stampede 1951
Fort Massacre 1958
Fort Osage 1952
Fort Savage Raiders 1951
Fort Utah 1967
Fort Vengeance / Les Tuniques Rouges 1953
Fort Worth / Furie
du Texas -Texas Express 1951
Fort Yuma 1955
Forty Guns / Quarante Tueurs 1957
Forty-Niners (The) 1932
Four Faces West -They passed this way 1948
Four Fast Guns 1960
Four for Texas /
Quatre du Texas 1963
Four Guns to the Border -Shadow Valley / Quatre
Tueurs et Une Fille 1954
Four Rode Out /
Règlement de Comptes à New Mexico 1971
Fourth Horseman (The) 1932
Foxes of Harrow (The) / La Fière créole 1947
Frankie and Johnny 1966
Freckles 1960
Frenchie / La Femme sans Loi 1950
Friendly persuasion / La Loi du Seigneur 1956
Frisco Kid (The) / Un
Rabin au Far West 1979
Frisco Sal 1945
Frisco Tornado 1950
From Noon Till Three /
C'est Arrivé entre Midi et Trois Heures 1976
Frontier Agent 1948
Frontier Gal / La Taverne
du Cheval Rouge 1945
Frontier Gambler 1956
Frontier Gun 1958
Frontier Gunlaw / Le Mousquetaire du Ranch 194
Frontier Justice 1936
Frontier Law 1943
Frontier Marshal 1934
Frontier Outlaws 1944
Frontier Outpost 1950
Frontier Phantom (The) 1952
Frontier Rangers / Frontière Sauvage 1958
Frontier Uprising 1961
Frontier Vengeance 1940
Frontier Woman 1956
Fugitive from Sonora 1943
Furies (The) / Les Furies 1950
Fury at Furnace Creek /
Massacre à Furnace Creek 1948
Fury at Gunsight Pass 1956
Fury at Showdown 1957
Fury in Paradise 1955
Fury river 1962
G - G
Gal Who Took theWest (The) / La Belle Aventurière
Galloping Dynamite 1937
Galloping Kid (The) 1932
Galloping Romeo 1933
Thru / La Diligence
Infernale 1931
Gambler Wore a
Gun (The) 1961
Gang of Roses 2003
of Evil / Le Jardin du
Diable 1954
Gatling Gun, The -King Gun / King Gun l'engin du diable 1973
Serenade 1940
Gay Amigo (The) 1949
Gay Buckaroo (The) 1932
Gay Caballero (The) 1932
Gay Desperado (The) / Le Joyeux Bandit 1936
Gene Autry's
Melody Ranch -Melody Ranch 1940
Gentle Annie 1944
Gentleman from
Texas 1946
Gentlemen with
Guns 1946
Geronimo 1962
Geronimo: An
American Legend / Geronimo 1993
Gettysburg / Gettysburg - la Dernière Bataille 1993
Ghost City 1932
Ghost Guns 1944
Ghost of
Crossbones Canyon (The) 1952
Ghost of Hidden
Valley 1946
Ghost of Zorro 1959
Ghost Rider (The) 1943
Ghost Rock - Reckoning (The) 2004
Ghost Town 1988
Ghost Town 1936
Ghost Town 1956
Ghost-Town Gold 1936
Ghost-Town Gold 1936
Ghost Town : The
Movie 2007
Ghost Town Law 1942
Ghost Valley
Raiders 1940
Ghosts of Edendale (The) 2003
Girl and the
Gambler (The) 1939
Girl from Alaska (The) 1942
Girl of the Golden
West (The) / La Belle Cabaretière 1938
Girl of the Golden
West (The) 1930
Django Unchained 2012
Glory 1989
Glory 1989
Guys (The) / Les Compagnons de la Gloire 1965
Go West / Chercheurs d'Or 1940
Godmonster of
Indian Flats 1973
God's Country / Terre Divine 1946
God's Country and
the Man - Rose of the Rio Grande 1931
God's Country and
the Woman / La Loi de la Forêt 1936
South / En Route vers le Sud 1978
Gold Fever 1952
Gold Glory and
Custer 1962
Gold Mine in the
Sky 1938
Gold of the Seven
Saints / Le Trésor des 7
Collines 1961
Gold Raiders 1951
Golden Girl 1951
Golden Stallion (The) 1949
Golden West (The) 1932
Goldtown Ghost
Riders 1953
Gone with the West
-Little Moon and Jud McGraw 1975
Good Day for a
Hanging 1959
Good Guys and the
Bad Guys (The) / Un Homme fait
la Loi 1969
Goodnight for Justice 2011
Goofs and
Saddles /
Bete et Betas 1937
Grand Canyon 1949
Granny Get Your
Gun 1940
Grayeagle 1973
Greaser's Palace 1972
Great Bank Robbery (The) / Le Plus grand des Hold-Up 1969
Great Day in the
Morning / L’Or et l'Amour 1956
Great Gundown (The)
-Outlaw Red ou Savage Red 1977
Great Jesse James
Raid (The) 1953
Great locomotive
chase (The)/ L’Infernale
Poursuite 1956
Great Man's
Lady (The) / L’ Inspiratrice 1942
Great Meadow (The) 1931
Missouri Raid (The) / Les
Rebelles du Missouri 1951
Great Northfield Minnesota Raid (The)/ La Légende de Jesse
James 1972
Great Scout &
Cathouse Thursday (The) -Wildcat / Un
Cow-boy en Colère1976
Sioux Massacre (The) / Le Massacre des
Sioux 1965
Great Sioux Uprising (The) / L’ Aventure est à
l'Ouest 1953
Great Train
Robbery (The) 1941
Green Grass of
Wyoming 1948
Grey Fox (The) 1982
Grey Owl 1999
Grim Prairie Tales 1990
Groom Wore Spurs (The) 1951
Grubstake / Apache
Gold 1952
Guardian of the
Wilderness 1976
Gun Battle at
Monterey 1957
Fever 1958
Fight 1961
Gun for
a Coward / Une Arme pour un
Lâche 1957
Gun Fury / Bataille sans merci 1953
Glory / Terreur dans la Vallée 1957
Gun Hawk (The) / Le Justicier de l'Ouest 1963
Gun Law 1933
Gun Packer 1938
Gun Law 1938
Gun Law Justice 1949
Gun Law Justice 1949
Gun Packer 1938
Gun Ranger (The)-Rider of the Law-Riders in the
Desert 1937
Gun Runner 1949
Gun Smoke / Balles Sifflantes 1945
Gun Street 1961
Gun Talk 1947
Gun That Won the
West (The) 1955
Gun Town / Les Peaux-Rouges Attaquent 1946
Gundown (The) 2010
Gundown at
Sandoval 1959
Gunfight at
Comanche Creek / Duel au Colorado 1963
Gunfight at Dodge
City (The) -Bat Masterson Story (The) /Le Sheriff aux Mains Rouges 1959
Gunfight at la
Mesa 2010
Gunfight at Red
Dog Corral 1993
at the O.K. Corral / Réglement de
Comptes à O.K. Corral 1957
Gunfight in
Abilene / Le Sheriff aux Poings
Nus 1967
Gunfight (A) / Dialogue de Feu 1971
Gunfighter 1999
Gunfighter (The)/ La Cible humaine - L'Homme
aux Abois 1950
Gunfighters / LaVallée maudite 1947
Gunfighter's Moon 1995
Gunfighters of
Abilene 1960
of Casa Grande / Les Hors-la-Loi de Casa
Grande 1964
Gunfire / La Vengeance de Frank James 1950
Gunless 2010
Gunman's Code 1946
Walk / Le Salaire de la
Violence 1958
Gunmen from Laredo 1959
Gunmen of Abilene 1950
Gunning for
Justice 1948
Gunpoint / La Parole est au Colt 1966
Guns of a Stranger 1973
Guns of
the Magnificent Seven / Les Colts
des Sept Mercenaires 1969
Guns of the Timberland / Tonnerre sur
Timberland 1960
Gunslinger /
Yellow Rose of Texas 1956
Gunslingers 1950
Gunsmoke /
Gunsmoke Killers 1947
Gunsmoke -Man,s
Country -Roughshod / Le Tueur du
Montana 1953
Gunsmoke in Tucson
/ Fusillade à Tucson 1958
Gunsmoke Mesa 1944
Colt /Le Poulain Noir 1953
H - H
Hail to the Rangers 1943
Half Way to Hell 1961
Half-Breed (The) / La Peur du Scalp 1952
Trail (The) / Sur la Piste de la
Grande Caravane 1965
Halliday Brand (The) 1957
Hang 'Em
High / Pendez-les Haut et Court 1968
Hanging of Jake Ellis (The) 1969
Tree (The) / La Colline des Potences 1959
Knot / Le Relais de l'Or
Maudit 1952
Hannah Lee: An American Primitive-Outlaw Territory 1953
Caulder / Un Colt pour 3
Salopards 1971
Hard Bounty 1995
Hard Country 1981
Hard Man (The) 1957
Harlem Rides the Range 1939
Harry Tracy, Desperado -Harry Tracy 1982
Harvey Girls (The) / Les
Demoiselles Harvey 1946
Hateful Eight (The) / Les 8 salopards 2016
Haunted Gold 1932
Haunted Gold 1932
Haunted Mine (The) 1946
Haunted Trails 1949
Hawken's Breed 1987
Hawmps! / Opération Chameaux 1976
He Rides
Tall / La Valse des Colts 1964
Headin' East 1937
Headin' for Trouble 1931
Heading West 1946
Heart of the Rockies 1937
Heartland 1979
Hearts of the West / Hollywood
Cow-Boy 1975
Heaven Only Knows -Montana Mike 1947
with a Gun / Au Paradis à Coups de
Revolver 1969
Gate / La Porte du
Paradis 1980
Heir to Trouble 1935
Bent for Leather / Le Diable dans la
Peau 1960
Hell to Pay 2005
in Pink Tights / La Diablesse en Collants Roses
Hello Trouble 1932
Hell'sCrossroads / Le Carrefour de la
Vengeance 1957
Outpost / Le Carrefour de l'Enfer 1954
Hell's Valley 1931
Henry Goes Arizona 1939
Heroes of the Saddle 1940
Hi, Gaucho ! 1935
Hiawatha 1952
Hidalgo 2004
Hidden Danger 1948
Hidden Gold 1940
Hidden Gold -Oh,Promise Me 1932
Guns 1956
High Hide Noon 2003
HighLonesome / La Vallée Solitaire 1950
Noon / Le Train sifflera trois
fois 1952
Plains Drifter / L’Homme des Hautes
Plaines 1973
Wide, and Handsome / La Furie de l'Or
Noir 1937
Hills of Old Wyoming /
La Vengeance du Cow Boy 1937
Hills of Utah (The) 1951
Hi-Lo Country (The)
Hired Hand (The) / L’ Homme sans Frontière 1971
Hi-Yo Silver 1940
Hoedown 1950
Hollywood Barn Dance 1947
Hollywood Round-Up 1937
Hombre 1967
Home in San Antone 1949
Home on the Prairie-Ridin' the Range 1939
Home on the Range 1946
Home on the Range 1935
Homesman (The) 2014
Homesteaders of Paradise Valley 1947
Homesteaders of Paradise Valley 1947
Hondo / Hondo, l'homme du désert 1953
The / Les Centaures 1972
Tonk / Franc jeu 1941
Honor of the Mounted 1932
Honor of the West 1939
Hopalong Rides Again / Les Aventures de Hopalong
Cassidy-Le Retour d'Hopalong 1937
Hoppy Serves a Writ / La Justice du lasso 1943
Horizons West / Le Traitre du Texas 1952
Horse Soldiers (The) / Les Cavaliers 1959Horsemen of the Sierras- Remember Me 1949
Hostile Country 1950
Hostile Guns 1967
Hostiles 2017
Hot Lead 1951
Hot Lead and Cold Feet / Tête
Brûlée et Pied Tendre 1978
Hour of the Gun / Sept
Secondes en Enfer 1967
How the
West Was Won / La Conquête de l'Ouest 1962
Hud / Hud, Le plus Sauvage d'Entre Tous 1963
Human Targets 1932
Hunted Men 1930
Hunting Party / Les Charognards 1971
Hurricane Horseman 1931
Hurricane Smith 1941
Hurricane Smith 1941
I - I
I Killed Geronimo 1950
I Killed Wild Bill Hickok 1956
I Shot Billy the Kid / J'ai tué Billy le Kid 1950
I Shot Jesse James / J'ai tué Jesse James 1949
I Take this Woman 1931
I'm from the City 1938
In a Valley of Violence 2016
In a Valley of Violence 2016
In Early Arizona 1938
In Line of Duty / Amour
et Devoir 1931
In Old Amarillo 1951
In Old Caliente 1939
In Old California / Sacramento
In Old Cheyenne 1939
In Old Chicago / L’Incendie
de Chicago 1937
In Old Mexico 1938
In Old Montana / Dans le Vieux Montana 1939
In old oklahoma -War of the Wildcats / La Rué Sanglante 1943
In Old Santa Fe / Le justicier de Santa Fe 1934
In pursuit of Treasure 1972
Fighter (The) / La Rivière de nos Amours-L'Or
des Sioux 1955
Paint 1965
Territory 1950
Inside Straight 1951
to a Gunfighter / Le Mercenaire de Minuit 1964
Irish Gringo (The) 1936
Mistress (The) /
La Maitresse de Fer 1952
Iron Sheriff (The) 1957
Iroquois Trail (The) 1950
Island of the Blue Dolphins / L’ile
des dauphins bleus 1964
It Happened Out West 1937
Ivory-Handled Gun (The) / Far West Sanglant 1935
J - J
J.W. Coop 1972
Z - Z
Jack Slade- Jack Slade Desperado / Jack Slade le Damné 1953
James Brothers of Missouri (The) (Serial) 1949
Jane Got a Gun 2015
Jane Got a Gun 2015
Jaws of Justice 1933
Jayhawkers ! (The) / Violence au Kansas 1959
Jeep Herders 1945
Jeepers Creepers 1939
Jeremiah Johnson 1972
Jericho 2000
James / Le Brigand Bien-Aimé 1939
Jesse James Jr. -Sundown Fury 1942
Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter / Jesse James contre Frankenstein 1966
Jesse James Women 1954
Jessi's Girls 1975
Jiggs and Maggie Out West 1950
Joaquín Murrieta -Murrieta / Murrieta 1965
Joe Kidd 1972
Johnny Concho 1956
Guitar / Johnny Guitare 1954
Reno / Toute la Ville est Coupable 1966
Johnny Traimain 1957
Jonah Hex 2010
Jory 1973
Joshua 1976
Journey Through Rosebud 1972
Journey to Shiloh / La
Brigade des Cow-Boys 1968
Journeyman (The) 2001
Jubal / L’Homme
de Nulle Part 1956
Trail / La Grande Caravane 1954
Judge Priest 1934
Judgement Book (The) 1935
Judges 2005
Junction City 1952
Junior Bonner 1972
Justin Morgan Had a Horse 1972
K - K
Kangaroo Kid (The) 1950
Kansan (The) / Le Cavalier du Kansas 1943
Kansas Cyclone 1941
Kansas Pacific 1953
Kansas Raiders / Kansas en
Feu 1950
Kansas Territory 1952
Kentuckian (The) / L’ Homme du Kentucky 1955
Kentucky Rifle 1956
Kid and the Killers (The) 1974
Kid Blue 1973
Kid from Amarillo (The) 1951
Kid from Arizona (The) 1931
Kid from Gower Gulch (The) 1950
Kid from Kansas (The) 1941
Kid from Santa Fe (The) 1940
Kid from Texas (The) 1939
Kid Rodelo 1966
Vengeance-Take Another Hard Ride / Les
Cavaliers du Diable 1977
Killer and 21 Men (The) - Parson
and the Outlaw (The) 1957
King and
Four Queens (The) /
Un Roi et Quatre Reines 1956
King of the Bullwhip 1950
King of the Grizzlies / Le Roi
des Grizzlies 1970
King of the Royal Mounties 1940
King of the Sierras 1938
King of the Sierras 1938
King of the Wild Horses / Rex,
Étalon Sauvage 1933
King of the Wild Horses 1947
Kissing Bandit (The) /
Le Brigand Amoureux 1948
Kit Carson 1940
Klondike 1932
Annie / Annie du Klondike 1936
Fever / La Route de l'Or 1980
Klondike Kate 1943
Knife for the Ladies (A) 1974
Knight of the Plains / L’
Héritage de Don Pedro 1938
Knights of the Range 1940
Konga, the Wild Stallion 1940
L - L
from Cheyenne (The) /
Une Femme à poigne 1941
Lady from Texas (The) 1951
Land and Order 1940
Land of Fighting Men-Riders of the Dawn 1938
Land of the Lawless 1947
Land of the Outlaws 1944
Land of Wanted Men 1931
Land Raiders / Day of (the) -Landgrabber (The) /
L’ Ouest en Feu 1969
Landrush 1949
Laramie 1949
Laramie Trail (The) 1944
Lariats and Six shooters 1931
Lasca of the Rio Grande 1931
Lash of Lust 1972
Last Challenge (The) -Pistolero of Red River / Le Pistolero
de la Rivière Rouge 1967
Last Command (The) -San
Antonio de Bexar / Quand le Clairon
Sonnera 1955
Last Days of Boot Hill 1947
Frontier (The) /
La Charge des Tuniques Bleues 1955
Last Hard
Men (The) /
La Loi de la Haine 1976
Last Horseman (The) 1944
Last Hunt (The) / La Dernière Chasse 1956
Last of
the Badmen / Le Hors-la-Loi du
Missouri 1957
Last of the Comanches- Sabre and the Arrow (The) /
Le Sabre et la Flèche 1953
Last of the Comanches- Sabre and the Arrow (The) 1953
Last of the Desperados 1955
Last of the Dogmen (The) /
Le Dernier Cheyenne 1995
Last of the Duanes (The) /
Le Dernier des duanes 1941
Last of the Mohicans / Le Dernier
des Mohicans 1992
Last of the mohicans (The) / Sagamore le mohican 1936
Last of the Redmen 1947
Last of the Wild Horses 1948
Last Outpost (The) / Le
Dernier bastion 1962
Last posse (The) 1953
Last Rites of Ransom (The) 2009
Last Round-up (The) 1947
Last Round-up (The) / La
Dernière Ronde 1934
Last Stagecoach West (The) 1957
Last Sunset (The) /
El Perdido 1961
Last Trail (The) 1933
Last Train from Gun Hill / Le Dernier
train de Gun-Hill 1959
Wagon (The) / La Dernière Caravane 1956
Last Warrior (The) -Firebrand
Jordan Flap 1970
Law and Jake Wade (The) /
Le Trésor du Pendu 1958
Law and Order 1942
Law and Order -Guns A'Blazing 1932
Law Comes to Gunsight (The) 1947
Law of the Badlands 1951
Law of the Barbary Coast 1949
Law of the Canyon 1947
Law of the Lawless - Invitation to a Hanging / Condanné à Être Pendu 1964
Law of the North 1932
Law of the Northwest 1943
Law of
the Plains / La Loi de la
Plaine 1938
Law of the Range 1941
Law of the Texan 1938
Law of
the Timber / La Loi des
Bûcherons 1941
Law of the Valley 1944
Law of the West 1949
Law vs. Billy the Kid (The) / Billy
the Kid contre la Loi 1954
Lawless Border 1935
Lawless Breed (The) / Victime du
Destin 1953
Lawless Cowboys 1951
Empire / L’Empire des
Hors-La-Loi 1945
Lawless Plainsmen 1942
Lawless Rider (The) 1954
Lawless Riders 1935
Lawless Street ( a) -Marshall of Medecine Bend / La Ville sans Loi 1955
Valley 1932
Lawman / L’Homme de la Loi 1971
Leadville Gunslinger 1952
Left Handed Gun (The) / Le Gaucher 1958
Left-Handed Law 1937
Legend of Alfred Packer (The) 1980
Legend of Coyote Rock (The) / La Legende du rocher du coyote 1945
Legend of Custer (The) / Le
Dernier Bastion 1968
Legend of Earl Durand (The) / Le Dernier des Condors 1947
Legend of Frank Woods (The) 1977
Legend of Gods Gun (The) 2007
Legend of Nigger Charley (The)
/ Libre à en Crever 1972
Legend of the fall / Légendes
d'Automne 1994
Legend of the Lone Ranger (The) 1981
Legend of the Lone Ranger (The) 1952
Legend of the Phantom Rider 2002
Legend of Tom Dooley (The) / Fais ta Prière Tom Dooley 1959
of Zorro (The) / La Légende de Zorro 2005
Legion of the Lawless 1940
Freedom Rig / Le Flambeau de la
Liberté 1939
Life and Times of Grizzly Adams (The) 1974
Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean (The) / Juge et Hors-la-Loi 1972
Life in the Raw 1933
Light in the Forest (The) 1958
Lightnin' Smith Returns 1931
Lightning Jack / Jack
l’éclair 1994
Lightning Triggers 1935
Lincoln County Incident 1980
Linda and Abilene 1969
Lion and
the Horse (The) / Le Lion
et le Cheval 1952
Little Big Horn 1951
Little Big Man 1970
Littlest Cowboy (The) 2003
Llano Kid (The) 1939
Lone Bandit (The) 1935
Cowboy / Oncle Dobi 1933
Lone Gun (The) / Les Brigands de
l''Arizona 1954
Justice 2 1995
Lone Ranger (The) /
Le Justicier Solitaire 1956
Lone Ranger (The) / Lone Ranger naissance d'un héros 2013
Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Gold (The) / Le Justicier Masqué 1958
Lone Ranger rides again (the) 1939
Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Gold (The) / Le Justicier Masqué 1958
Lone Ranger rides again (the) 1939
Lone Rider Ambushed (The) 1941
Lone Rider Crosses the Rio (The) -Across the Border 1941
Lone Rider Fights Back (The) 1941
Lone Rider in Cheyenne (The) 1942
Lone Rider in Ghost Town (The) 1941
Lone Rider in Texas Justice (The) 1942
Lone Rider Rides On (The) 1941
Lone Rider (The) 1930
Star / L’Etoile du Destin 1952
Lone Star Moonlight 1946
Star Ranger / Nid de Voleurs 1942
Lone Star Ranger (The) / Coeurs
Farouches 1930
Lone Star Trail 1943
Lone Texan 1959
Lone Trail (The) 1932
Lonely Are the Brave / Seuls sont
les Indomptés 1962
Lonely Man (The) / Jicop le
Proscrit 1957
Lonesome Cowboys-Horse Lonesome Cowboys 1969
Lonesome Trail (The) 1955
Lonesome Trail (The) 1930
Lonestar Cowboy 2003
Long Long Trail 1929
Long Ranger & Tonton -Shooting Stars of the West 1989
Riders (The) / Le Gang des frères
James 1980
Long Rope (The) 1961
Sister 1947
Lost Colony –Wraiths of Roanoke 2007
Lost Trail (The) 1945
Gal - Old Louisiana 1937
Love Me
Tender / Le Cavalier du
Crépuscule 1956
Luck of Roaring Camp (The) 1937
Lucky Boots 1935
Larkin / La Course Diabolique 1930
Lucky Larrigan 1932
Lucky Terror 1936
Lucky Texan (The) / Le Texan
Chanceux 1934
Lumberjack/ Les Maîtres de la Forêt 1944
Lust for Gold / For Those Who Dare /
Le Démon de l'Or 1949
Lust in
the Dust / Luxure dans la
souillure 1985
Lust to Kill (a) 1959
M - M
Machismo: 40 Graves for 40 Guns -Revenge of the Wild Bunch (The) 1971
Macho Callahan 1970
Mackenna's Gold / L’Or de
Mackenna 1969
Mackintosh and T.J. 1975
Mad at the Moon 1992
of the Desert 1948
Seven Ride! (The) / La Chevauchée des Septs
Mercenaires 1972
Seven (The) / Les Sept Mercenaires 1960
Magnificent Seven (The) /Les sept mercenaires 2016
Order Bride /A l'Ouest du Montana 1964
Major Dundee /Major
Dundee 1965
Man and Boy -Ride a Dark Horse 1972
Man Behind the Gun (The) / La Taverne des Révoltés 1953
Man Called Gannon (a) / Un colt nommé Gannon 1969
Man Called Horse (a) / Un Homme nommé Cheval 1970
Man Called Sledge (a) -Sledge /
Un Homme nommé Sledge 1970
Man Called Tolongges (a) 1981
Man from Arizona (The) 1932
Man from Bitter Ridge (The) /
Tornade sur la ville 1955
Man from Button Willow (The) 1965
Man from Colorado (The) / La Peine du Talion 1948
Man from Death Valley (The) 1931
Man from Del Rio (The) 1956
Man from Galveston (The) 1963
Man from God's Country / Le
Bagareur du Montana 1958
Man from Guntown 1935
Man from Hell (The) 1934
Man from
Laramie (The) / L’Homme
de la plaine 1955
Man from Montana -Montana Justice 1941
Man from New Mexico (The) 1932
Man from Oklahoma (The) 1945
Man from Sundown (The) / Woman's Vengeance (a) 1939
Man from Texas (The) 1948
Man from
the Alamo (The) /
Le Déserteur de Fort Alamo 1953
Man from the Black Hills 1952
Man from the Rio Grande (The) 1943
Man in the Shadow / Le Salaire
du Diable 1957
Man in the Wilderness / Le Convoi Sauvage 1971
Man of Conquest 1939
Man of the West / L’Homme de l'Ouest 1958
Man or Gun / Calibre 44 1958
Man who came back (The) -Man who came back (the) 2008
Man Who Loved Cat Dancing (The)
Le Fantôme de Cat Dancing 1973
Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (The)
/ L’Homme qui Tua Liberty Valance 1962
Man with the Gun / Deadly Peacemaker /
L’Homme au fusil 1955
ManWithout a Star / L’Homme qui n'a pas
d'Étoile 1955
Man's Country 1938
Land (a) / Quand une Femme s'en Mêle 1932
Many Rivers to Cross / L’Aventure
fantastique 1955
Marauders (The) / Les Maraudeurs 1955
Mark of the Avenger -Mysterious Rider
(The) 1938
Mark of the Gun 1969
Mark of the Lash 1948
Mark of
the Renegade / Le Signe des Renégats 1951
Mark of
Zorro (The) / Le Signe de Zorro 1940
Marked Men 1940
Marksman (The) 1953
Marshal of Amarillo 1948
Marshal of Windy Hollow (The) 1972
Marshal's Daughter (The) 1953
Marshals in Disguise 1954
Mask of
Zorro (The) /
Le Masque de Zorro 1998
Massacre 1956
Massacre at Sand Creek 1956
Canyon 1954
Massacre River / La Rivière des Massacres 1949
Master Gunfighter (The) / El
Pistolero 1975
Match making Marshal (The) -Wild Bill Hickok 1955
Maverick 1994
Maverick Queen (The) / La Horde Sauvage 1956
McCabe & Mrs. Miller / John
McCabe 1971
McLintock! / Le Grand McLintock 1963
McMasters (The) -Blood Crowd (The) / Le Clan des McMasters 1970
Me Feelins Is Hurt 1940
Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch 1976
Medico of Painted Springs (The) 1941
Melody of the Plains /Meurtre au
Far-West 1937
Melody Ranch -Gene Autry's Melody Ranch 1940
Men of America 1932
Men of the North 1930
Men of the Plains 1936
Men of the Timberland 1941
Men with Steel Faces -Radio ranch 1940
on the Mountain / L’Ennemi de la Montagne 1969
Mexicali Kid 1938
Mexican gold - return of the outlaws 2007
Mi amigo 2002
Michigan Kid (The) 1947
Million Ways to Die in the West (A) / Albert à l'ouest 2014
Mine with the Iron Door (The) 1936
Mine with the Iron Door (The) 1936
Miracle at Sage Creek 2005
Miracle of the Hills (The) 1959
Missing (The) / Les Disparues 2003
Mission of Danger 1959
Mission to glory:A true story-Kino-the Padre on Horseback 1977
Mississipi Gambler (The) / Le Gentilhomme de la Louisiane 1952
Missouri Breaks (The) 1976
Missourians (The) 1950
Mohawk / L’Attaque du Fort Douglas 1956
Molly and Lawless John 1972
Never a Dull moment / Mon cowboy
adoré 1950
Money,Women and Guns / L’Héritage de la
Colére 1958
Montana 1950
Belle 1952
Desperado / La Vallée des
Massacres 1951
Montana Territory 1952
Monte Walsh 1970
Montezuma's Lost Gold 1978
Moon Over Montana 1946
Moonlight on the Prairie 1935
Moonlight on the Range / La Terreur du Far-west 1937
Moonlighter (The) 1953
More Dead Than Alive / Plus
Mort que Vif 1968
Charlie 1982
Mountain Justice /Pour Venger son Père 1930
Men (The) / La Fureur
sauvage 1980
Mountain Rhythm 1939
Mounted Fury 1931
Stranger (The) / Le Justicier de la Montagne 1930
Mule Feathers -West Is Still Wild (The) 1977
Mule Train 1950
Murder on the Yukon 1940
Mustang Country 1976
Mustang! 1959
Darling Clementine / La Poursuite
infernale 1946
My Friend Flicka / Mon ami
Flicka 1943
My Heroes Have Always Been Cow Boys 1991
Little Chickadee / Mon Petit Poussin
Chéri 1940
My Name Is Legend 1976
My Outlaw Brother -My Brother, the Outlaw 1951
My Pal Trigger / Les Aventures de d'Eclair 1946
Mysterious Avenger (The) 1936
Mysterious Rider (The) -Panhandle Trail / Le Cavalier
Mystérieux 1942
Mystery of the Hooded Horsemen (The) 1937
Mystery Range 1947
Mystery Range 1937
N - N
Naked Dawn (The) / Le Bandit 1955
Naked Gun (The)- Hanging Judge 1956
Naked in the Sun 1957
Naked Spur (The) / L’Appât
Natchez Trace 1960
Nate and the Colonel 2003
Navajo Run 1964
Navajo Trail Raiders 1949
Navajo Trail (The) -Tale of the Littlest American / Le Voleur de Chevaux 1945
Neath Canadian Skies 1946
Nebraskan (The) 1953
Nevada 1935
Nevada Badmen 1951
Nevada Smith 1966
Nevadan (The) -The Man From Nevada 1950
New Daughters of Joshua Cabe (The) 1976
New Frontier / Frontier Horizon 1939
New Frontier (The) 1935
New Frontier / Frontier Horizon 1939
New Frontier (The) 1935
world (The) /
Le nouveau monde 2006
Newton Boys (The) / Le Gang des
Newton 1998
Night of the Grizzly (The) / Le Ranch Maudit 1966
Passage / Le Survivant des Monts
Lointains 1957
Night Raiders 1952
Night Stage to Galveston 1952
Night Time in Nevada 1948
No Name on the Bullet /
Une Balle signe X 1959
Noose for a Gunman 1960
North of Arizona 1935
North of the Border 1946
North of the Rio Grande / La Vengeance du Cowboy
-Au Nord du Rio Grande 1937
North of the Rockies 1942
North of the Yukon 1939
North to Alaska / Le
Grand Sam 1960
North to the Klondike / La Fièvre
de l'Or 1942
North West Mounted Police / Scarlet Riders (The) / Les Tuniques Écarlates 1940
Northern Frontier 1935
Northern Patrol 1953
Outpost / Poste Avancé 1947
Passage / Le Grand Passage 1940
Northwest Stampede / Le Grand Rodeo 1948
Northwest Territory 1951
Of Human hearts 1938
Oh! Susanna / La Revanche
des Sioux 1951
Oklahoma Annie 1952
Oklahoma Badlands 1948
Blues 1948
Jim 1931
Renegades / Les Heros de la
plaines 1940
Oklahoma Sheriff (The) 1930
Oklahoma Territory 1960
Oklahoma Terror 1939
Oklahoma Woman (The) 1956
Oklahoma! 1955
Oklahoman (The) / Fureur sur l'Oklahoma 1957
Old Frontier (The) 1950
Old gringo 1989
Old Louisiana - Louisiana Gal 1937
Old New Mexico 1945
Old Oklahoma Plains 1952
Old West (The) 1952
Yeller / Le Fidèle Vagabond 1957
Ole Rex 1961
O'Malley of the Mounted / Un de la Police Montée 1936
O'Malley Rides Alone 1930
O'Malley Rides Alone 1930
On the Border 1930
On the Old Spanish Trail 1947
On Top of Old Smoky 1953
Once Upon a Horse... - Hot Horse 1958
One and Only, Genuine, Original Family Band (The) 1968
One Foot in Hell -Last Man (The) / Les Hors-la-Lois 1960
Little Indian / Un Petit
Indien 1973
One Man Justice 1937
One Man's Hero 1999
One More
Train to Rob / Le Dernier Train
pour Frisco 1971
Jacks / La Vengeance aux Deux
Visages 1961
Only Good Indian (The) 2009
Open Range 2003
13 / Agent Numéro 13 1933
Passage / Le Repaire de l'Aigle
Noir 1957
Oregon Trail (The) 1936
OregonTrail (The) /
Les Comanches passent à l'Attaque 1959
Oregon Trail Scouts 1947
Out California Way 1946
Out West with the Peppers 1940
Outcast (The) / Les Proscrits du Colorado 1954
Outcasts of Black Mesa 1950
of Poker Flat (The)/ La Ville de l'Or - Les Exilés de Poker
Flat 1937
Outcasts of Poker Flat (The) / Les Bannis
de la Sierra 1952
Outlaw (The) / Le Banni 1943
Outlaw Brand 1948
Outlaw Express 1938
Outlaw Gold 1950
Outlaw Josey Wales (The) / Josey
Wales, Hors-la-Loi 1976
Outlaw Justice 1932
Outlaw Queen 1957
Outlaw Rule 1935
Outlaw Stallion (The) 1954
Outlaw Tamer (The) 1935
Outlaw Trail 1944
Outlaw Treasure 1955
Outlaw Women - Boothill Mamas / Femmes
Hors-la-Loi 1952
Outlawed Guns / Les Pilleurs du
Ranch 1935
Outlaw's Highway / Fighting fury 1934
Is Coming (The) / Les Trois Stooges contre
Les Hors-la-Loi -22 Voila les hors la loi 1965
Outlaws of Boulder Pass 1942
Outlaws of Pine Ridge 1942
Outlaws of Stampede Pass 1943
Outlaws of Texas 1950
Outlaws of the Panhandle 1941
Outlaws of the Plains 1946
Outlaws of the Prairie 1937
Outlaws of the Range 1936
Outlaw's Son - Gambling Man - His Father's Son 1957
Outlaws: Legend of O.B. Taggart (The) 1994
Outrage (The) / L’Outrage 1964
Outriders (The) /
Le Convoi Maudit 1950
Outsider (The) 1994
Over the
Border / Les Bandits de Rio Grande 1950
Over the Santa Fe Trail 1947
Overland Express 1938
Overland Riders 1946
Overland Telegraph 1951
Overland to Deadwood 1942
Overland Trails 1948
with Kit Carson / Les Loups
Hurlent, Terreur Indienne en 2 Ep' 1939
Ox-Bow Incident (The) / L’Etrange Incident 1943
Ozarks: Legacy & Legend / Fiddle:An American Family Saga (The) 1995
Ozarks: Legacy & Legend / Fiddle:An American Family Saga (The) 1995
Train 1953
Your Wagon / La Kermesse de
l'Ouest 1969
Painted Desert (The) / Le Désert Rouge 1931
Painted Hills (The) - Lassie's
Adventures in the Goldrush 1951
Stallion (The) / La Caravane de l’Enfer 2 Ep 1. La Route de Santa Fe, 2. Le Saut de
la Mort (1948) 1937
Painted Stallion (The) 1938
Rider / Pale Rider, le Cavalier
Solitaire 1985
Paleface (The) / Visage
Pâle 1948
Palo pinto gold 2008
Palomino (The) 1950
Pals of the Pecos 1938
Pancho Villa Returns 1950
Panhandle / Le Justicier de la Sierra 1948
of the West 1930
Pardners / Le Trouillard du Far-West 1956
Pardon My Gun 1942
Park Avenue Logger -Tall Timber 1937
Parson and the Outlaw (The) -Killer and 21 Men (The) 1957
Parson of Panamint (The) 1941
Parting of the Trails (The) 1930
Partners 1932
Partners of the Trail 1944
Partners of the Trail 1931
West / La Caravane des Évadés 1951
Passion / Tornade 1954
Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid / Pat
Garrett et Billy Le Kid 1973
Pathfinder (The) 1952
Pathfinder and the Mohican (The) 1957
Pawnee / L' Indien Blanc 1957
Peace for a Gunfighter 1965
Peacemaker (The) 1956
Pecos Dandy (The) 1934
Perilous Journey (A) 1953
of the Royal Mounted / La Police Montée au Combat; 1. Les Tuniques
Rouges à l'Assaut 2 1942
Persuader (The) 1957
Phantom Cowboy (The) 1941
Phantom Gold 1938
Phantom of the Range (The) 1936
Phantom Rider (The) 1936
Phantom Stallion 1954
Phantom Trails 1955
Pharaoh's Army 1995
Pierre of the plains 1942
Pillars of the Sky / Les
Piliers du Ciel 1956
Pinto Kid (The) 1941
Pioneer Days 1940
Pioneer Marshal 1949
Pioneer Trail 1938
Pioneers (The) 1941
Pioneers of the West 1940
Pistol Packin’Mama 1943
Plainsman (The) /
Une Aventure de Buffalo Bill 1936
Plainsman (The) /
Les Fusils du Far West 1966
Plainsong 1982
Pledge (The)-Gunfighter's pledge (a) 2008
Plunderers (The) /
La Rançon de la Peur 1960
of Painted Flats / Les Pillards de la
Prairie 1959
: the Legend 1999
Pocatello Kid (The) 1931
Pocket Money / Les
Indésirables 1972
Pony Express / Le Triomphe de Buffalo Bill-Les
Cavaliers du Pony Express 1953
Express Rider / Les Cavaliers du Pony
Express 1976
Posse / La
Brigade du Texas 1975
Posse / La Revanche de Jessie Lee 1993
from Heaven 1975
Posse from Hell / Les Cavaliers de
l'Enfer 1961
Powder River / La Rivière de la Poudre 1953
Badmen 1946
Chickens 1943
Raiders 1947
Prairie Roundup 1951
Prairie Rustlers 1945
Prairie Stranger 1941
Prairie Thunder 1937
President’Lady (The) /
Le Général invincible 1953
Pride of the Plains 1944
Prince of players 1955
Prince of the Plains 1949
Prisoner of Shark Island (The) / Je
n’ai Pas Tué Lincoln 1936
Professionals (The) / Les Professionnels 1966
Proud and the Damned (The) - Proud, Damned and Dead 1972
Proud Ones (The) / Le Shérif
Rebel (The) / Le Fier Rebelle 1958
Purple Hills (The) 1961
Pursued / La Vallée de la Peur 1947
Q - Q
Quantez / Quantez le Dernier Repaire 1957
Quantrill's Raiders / Les Pillards du
Kansas 1958
Quick and the Dead (The) / Mort
ou vif 1995
Gun (The) / Feu sans sommation 1964
Quick on the Trigger 1948
Quick Trigger Lee 1931
Down Under / Monsieur Quigley,
l'Australien 1990
R - R
and the Stranger / Rachel et
l'étranger 1948
Rage at
Dawn ou Seven Bad Men / Les Rôdeurs
de l'Aube 1955
Raid (The) 1954
Raiders (The) / Les Témeraires 1963
Raiders (The) -Riders of the Vengeance / L’ Heure de la
Vengeance 1952
Raiders of Old California / L’Ultime
Chevauchée 1957
Raiders of Red Gap 1943
Raiders of the Range 1942
Raiders of Tomahawk Creek 1950
Rails Into Laramie / Seul Contre Tous 1954
Rainbow Over Texas 1946
Rainbow Over the Rockies 1947
Rainbow Riders 1934
County / L’arbre de vie 1957
Ramona 1936
Ramrod / Femme de Feu 1947
Ramsbottom Rides Again 1956
Rancho Deluxe 1975
Notorious / L’Ange des Maudits 1952
Range Beyond the Blue1947
Range Justice 1949
Range Land 1949
Range Law 1931
Range Riders 1934
Range Warfare 1934
Rangeland Empire -West of the Brazos 1950
Code 1933
of Fortune / Le Mystère de Santa
Maria 1940
Raton Pass 1951
Ravenous 1999
Timber 1937
Rawhide 1938
Rawhide / L’Attaque de la Malle-Poste 1951
Rawhide Mail 1934
Rangers 1941
Rawhide Terror (The) 1935
Rawhide Trail (The) 1958
Rawhide Years (The) / Les Années Sauvages 1955
Reach For the Sky- Hell's fury 2009
Reckless Buckaroo (The) 1935
Reckless Rider (The) 1932
Reckoning 2002
Red Badge of Courage (The) /
La Charge Victorieuse 1951
Red Canyon / Le Mustang Noir 1949
Red Desert 1949
Red Garters / Les Jarretiéres Rouges 1954
Headed Stranger 1986
Mountain / La Montagne
Rouge 1951
Red Rider (The) 1934
Red River / La Rivière
Rouge 1948
Red River Robin Hood 1942
Red Rock Outlaw 1950
Stallion in the Rockies / Le Retour de
l'Étalon Rouge 1949
Tomahawk / Fort Bastion ne
Répond Plus 1967
Red, White, and Black (The) 1970
Redemption : a mile from hell 2009
and the Cowboy (The) / Tête d'Or et Tête de Bois 1951
Redmen and the Renegades (The) 1957
Forest Trail 1950
Renegade (The) /
Le Renégat 1943
Renegade Girl 1946
Renegade Ranger (The) / Police Montée 1938
Renegades of the Sage 1949
Reprisal! 1956
for a Gunfighter / Le Glas du
Hors-la-Loi 1965
Restless Breed (The)
Return of a Man Called Horse(The) /La Revanche d'un Homme Nommé Cheval 1976
Return of Frank James (The) / Le Retour de Frank James 1940
Return of Jack Slade (The) -Son of Slade 1955
Return of Jesse James (The) 1950
Return of Josey Wales (The) 1986
Return of the Bad Men / Far
West Quatre-Vingt-Neuf 1948
Return of the Gunfighter / Wyatt /
Le Justicier de l'Arizona 1967
Return of the Lash 1947
Return of the Lone Ranger 1961
Return of the Rangers (The) 1943
Return of the Seven / Le Retour
des 7 1966
Return of Wildfire (The) / Furie Sauvage 1948
Return to Snowy River / L’indomptable 1988
Return to Warbow 1958
Revenant (The) 2015
Revenge Rider (The) 1935
Revenge Rider (The) 1935
Revengers (The) / La Poursuite Sauvage 1972
Reward (The) / La Récompense 1965
Rhythm on the Range 1936
Rhythm Rodeo 1938
Rhythm Round-Up 1945
Romance 1954
Ride a
Crooked Mile / La Faute d'un Père 1938
Ride a
Crooked Trail / L’Étoile Brisée 1958
Ride a
Violent Mile 1957
Back (The) /
La Chevauchée du Retour 1957
Beyond Vengeance / Marqué au fer
rouge 1966
Clear of Diablo / Chevauchées avec le
Diable 1954
Ride Cowboy Ride 1939
Ride 'Em Cowboy -Cowboy roundup / Le Circuit de la
Mort 1936
Ride in the Whirlwind /
L’Ouragan de la Vengeance 1965
Lonesome / La Chevauchée de la
Vengeance 1959
Ride or Die 2006
Ride Tenderfoot Ride 1940
Ride the
High Country / Coups de Feu
dans la Sierra 1962
with the Devil / Chevauchée avec le
Diable 1959
Ride, Vaquero! / Vaquero 1953
Rider of
Death Valley (The) / Cavalier de la Vallée de la Mort 1932
Rider of the Plains 1931
Rider on a Dead Horse 1962
Riders from Nowhere 1940
Riders in the Storm 1995
Riders of Black River 1939
of Death Valley /
Les Justiciers du Désert 1941
Riders of Destiny / Le Chevalier du
Destin 1933
Riders of the Black Hills 1938
Riders of the Cactus 1931
Riders of the Dawn 1937
Riders of the Dawn -Riding the Dusty Trail 1945
Riders of the Deadline /
Zone Mortelle 1943
Riders of the Dusk 1949
Riders of the Golden Gulch 1932
Riders of the Lone Star 1947
Riders of the Northland 1942
Riders of the Pony Express 1949
Riders of the Purple Sage (The) 1931
Riders of the Purple Sage (The) 1941
Riders of the Purple Sage (The) 1941
Riders of the Range 1950
Riders of the Rio-Riders of the Rio Grande 1930
Riders of the Rockies 1937
Riders of the Santa Fe 1944
Riders of the Timberline / Les Riveaux de la Forêt 1941
Riders of the Timberline / Les Riveaux de la Forêt 1941
Riders of the West 1942
Riders of the Whistling Pines 1949
Ridin' Down the Trail 1947
Ridin' for Justice 1932
Ridin' Gents 1934
Ridin' Kid (The) 1931
Law 1930
Ridin' On / La Rivière Tragique 1936
Ridin' on a Rainbow 1941
Ridin' the Outlaw Trail 1951
Ridin' the Trail 1940
Riding Avenger (The) 1936
Riding Shotgun / Le Cavalier
Traqué 1954
Riding the Wind 1942
Riding Through Nevada 1942
Riding West 1944
Rimfire 1949
Rio Bravo 1959
Rio Conchos 1964
Grande 1950
Rio Grande Romance 1936
Rio Lobo -San Timoteo 1970
Rip Roarin' Buckaroo 1936
River lady / Le Barrage de Burlington 1948
Roaming Cowboy (The) / Rapt au Texas 1937
Roar of the Iron Horse /
Cyclone sur le Rail (2 Ep) 1951
Roaring Frontiers 1941
Roaring Ranch / Jim
Dailey et son Ranch 1930
Roaring Westward -Boom Town Badmen 1949
Robin Hood of El Dorado (The) / Robin
des Bois d'Eldorado 1936
Robin Hood of Texas 1947
Robin Hood of the Range 1943
Rock Island Trail / Mississipi Express 1950
Rockin' in the Rockies 1945
Rockwell 1994
Mountain / La Révolte des Dieux
Rouges 1950
Rocky Mountain Mystery 1935
Rocky Mountain Rangers 1940
Rocky Mountain Rangers 1940
Rodeo Rhythm 1942
Roll, Wagons, Roll 1940
Rollin' Westward 1939
Rolling Caravans 1938
Rolling Home 1943
Romance of Rosy Ridge (The) /
L’ Heure du pardon 1947
of the Redwoods / La Tragédie de la
Forêt Rouge 1939
Romance of the Rio Grande -Manuela 1929
Romance of the Rockies 1937
Romance of the West / Romance à l'
Ouest 1946
Romance of the West 1930
Cogburn / Une Bible et un Fusil 1975
Rose Marie 1936
Rose of Cimarron 1952
Rose of the Rancho / La Rose du
Ranch 1936
Rose of the Rio Grande /
La Rose de Rio 1938
Rough Night in Jericho / Violence
à Jericho 1967
Rough Riding Rhythm 1937
Rough Romance 1930
Roughshod 1949
Rounders (The) / Le Mors aux Dents 1965
Roundup (the) 1941
Round-Up Time in Texas 1937
Rovin' Tumbleweeds 1939
Rowdy Girls (The) 2000
Royal Mounted Patrol (The) 1941
Ruggles of Red Gap 1935
Run for Cover / Colorado / A
l'Ombre des Potences 1955
Run Home Slow 1965
Run of
the Arrow / Le Jugement des
Flèches 1957
Running Target 1956
Running Wild -Deliver Us from Evil 1973
Rustlers 1949
Rustler's Hideout1945
Rustlers of the Badlands 1945
Rhapsody / Rex Le Magnifique 1985
Rustlers' Roundup (The) 1933
Rustlers' Valley 1937
S - S
Saddle Buster (The) 1932
Saddle Pals 1947
Saddle the Wind / Libre comme le Vent 1958
Tramp / Le Vagabond et les Lutins 1950
Tramp Women 1972
Saga of Hemp Brown (The) - Hemp Brown / L’ Implacable Poursuite 1958
Sagebrush Family Trails West (The)
-Sagebrush Kid Goes West (The) 1940
Sagebrush Heroes 1945
Sagebrush Politics 1930
SagebrushTrail / Justice pour un Innocent 1933
Saginaw Trail 1953
Salvation (The) 2014
Salome Where She Danced / Salomé 1945
Salome Where She Danced / Salomé 1945
Salt Lake Raiders 1950
Sam /Hottest Fourth of July in the History of Brewster County, 1967
Sam Whiskey / Sam Whiskey le dur 1969
San Antone / Les Rebelles de San
Antone 1953
San Antone Ambush 1949
San Antonio 1945
San Francisco Story (The) /
La Madone du Désir 1952
Sand Sand 1949
Sandflow 1937
Santa Fe / La Bagarre de Santa Fé 1951
Santa Fe Passage / Le Passage de Santa Fé 1955
Santa Fe Rides 1937
Santa Fe Saddlemates 1945
Santa Fe Trail (The) 1930
Santa Fe Uprising 1946
Santee 1973
Trunk / L’ Intrigante de Saratoga 1945
Satan's Cradle 1949
Savage (The) /
Le Fils de Geronimo 1952
Savage Frontier 1953
Sam / Sam l'Intrepide 1963
Scalphunters (The) /
Les Chasseurs de Scalps 1968
Scarlet Brand (The) 1932
Scarlet Coat (The) / Duel
d’ espions 1955
River 1933
Scavengers (The) / Les Scarvengers 1969
Fury 1952
Sea of
Grass (The) /
Le Maître de la Prairie 1947
Searchers (The) /
La Prisonnière du Désert 1956
Second Greatest Sex (The) 1955
Secret Menace 1931
Secret of Convict Lake (The) 1951
Secret of Navajo Cave (The) - Legend of Cougar Canyon 1976
Secret of Outlaw Flats - Wild Bill Hickok 1953
Secret of Treasure Mountain 1956
Secret Patrol / Patrouille
Secrète 1936
Secret Service 1931
Secrets 1933
Seminole / L’ Expédition de
Fort King 1953
Senor Jim 1936
September Dawn 2006
Falls 2006
3 / Les Trois Sergents 1962
Seven Alone - House Without Windows /
La Petite Vadrouille 1974
Seven Angry Men / God's Angry Man 1955
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers /
Les Sept Femmes de Barbe-Rousse 1954
Seven Cities of Gold / Le Secret
des 7 cités 1955
Faces of Dc Lao / Le cirque du
Dc Lao 1964
Men from Now / Sept hommes
Restent à Tuer - Sept Hommes à Abattre 1956
Seventh Cavalry (The) -7 th Cavalry 1956
Shadow of Chikara (The) -Demon
Mountain 1977
Shadow Valley 1947
Shadowheart 2009
Shadows of the West 1949
Shadows of Tombstone 1953
Shakiest Gun in the West (The) 1968
Shalako 1968
Shame, Shame on the Bixby Boys 1978
Shanghai Noon 2000
Shark river 1953
She Came to the Valley 1979
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon / La
Charge Héroïque 1949
Sheepman (The) / La
Vallée de la Poudre 1958
Shenandoah / Les
Prairies de l'Honneur 1965
Sheriff of Fractured Jaw (The) / La Blonde et le Sheriff 1958
Sheriff's Secret (The) 1931
On, Harvest Moon 1938
Out / Quand Siffle la Dernière
Balle 1971
Shoot Out at Big Sag 1962
Shoot the Sun Down 1981
Shooter (The) -
Desert shooter 1997
Shooting (The) / La Mort Tragique de Leland Drum 1967
Shootist (The) /
Le Dernier des Géants 1976
Shoot-Out at Medicine Bend / Le
Vengeur 1957
Short Grass /
L’Homme de Santa Fé 1950
Shotgun / Amour Fleur
Sauvage 1955
Show boat 1951
Showdown / Le Collier de Fer 1963
Showdown / Duel dans la Poussière 1973
Showdown at Abilene - Gun Shy / Les Dernières
Heures d'un Bandit 1956
Showdown at Boot Hill - Shadow of Boot Hill 1958
Showdown at Devil's Butte 2005
at Eagle Gap / Les Mercenaires Attaquent-Les Justiciers de
San Pedro 1982
Shroud 2009
Shut My Big Mouth 1942
Siege at
Red River (The) - Gatling Gun /L’Attaque de la Rivière Rouge 1954
Sierra 1950
Baron 1958
Passage / Traqué dans la Sierra 1951
Sierra Stranger 1957
Sue 1941
Silent Code (The) 1935
Tongue / Le Gardien des ésprits 1994
Silver Bandit (The) 1950
Silver Bullet (The) 1942
Canyon 1951
Silver City / La Ville d'Argent -Terreur à
Silver City 1951
Silver City Bonanza 1951
Silver City Raiders 1943
Silver Lode / Quatre Étranges Cavaliers 1954
Silver on the Sage 1939
Queen / La Reine de l'Argent 1942
Silver Raiders 1950
Range 1946
Silver River / La Rivière d'Argent 1948
Spurs 1936
Silver Star (The)
-Sheriff (The) 1955
Trail (The) / La Piste d'Argent 1937
Silver Trails 1948
Silver Whip (The) 1953
Silverado 1985
Sin Town 1942
Sing Me a Song of Texas 1945
Sing, Cowboy, Sing 1981
Singin' in the Corn 1946
Singin' Spurs 1948
Singing Guns 1950
Singing Hill (The) 1941
Singing Outlaw 1937
Singing Sheriff (The) 1944
Sitting Bull 1954
Six Gun Gospel 1943
Six Guns 2010
Six Guns 2010
Six-Gun Decision - Wild Bill Hickok 1953
Six-Gun Justice 1930
Six-Gun Justice 1935
Six-Gun Man 1946
Mesa 1950
Six-Gun Rhythm 1939
Serenade 1947
Six Shootin' Sheriff / Le Cavalier Cyclone 1938
Skin Game 1971
Skin Game 1971
Skipalong Rosenbloom 1951
Skull and Crown 1935
Sky Full of Moon 1952
Slaughter Trail 1951
Smith! 1969
Smoke in the Wind 1975
Smoke Lightning 1933
Smoke Lighting 1933
Smoke Signal / Le Fleuve de la Dernière Chance 1955
Smoke Signal / Le Fleuve de la Dernière Chance 1955
Smoky 1966
Smoky - Will James' Smoky 1946
Smoky Mountain Melody 1948
Smoky River Serenade - Threat (The) 1947
Trails / La Folle Poursuite 1939
Snow Dog 1950
Snowfire 1958
So This Is Arizona 1931
Soldier Blue / Soldat Bleu 1970
Sombrero Kid (The) 1942
Something Big / Rio
Verde 1971
Sommersby 1993
Son of a Badman 1949
Son of a
Gunfighter / Fils d'un Hors-la-Loi 1965
Son of Belle Starr 1953
Son of Billy the Kid 1949
Son of
Oklahoma 1932
Son of
Paleface / Le Fils de Visage
Pâle 1952
Son of the Plains 1931
Son of the Renegade 1953
Son of
Zorro / Le Fils de Zorro : Issues
du Serial 1947
Song of Arizona 1946
Song of Idaho 1948
Song of Nevada 1944
Song of the Buckaroo 1938
Song of the Caballero /
La Vengeance d'El Lobo 1930
Song of the Prairie 1945
Song of the Saddle 1936
Song of the Sierras 1946
Song of the Trail 1936
Song of the West 1930
Songs and Bullets 1938
Sonora Stagecoach / La Diligence de la
Mort 1944
Sons of
Adventure 1948
Sons of
Katie Elder (The) /
Les Quatre fils de Katie Elder 1965
Sons of New Mexico 1949
Sons of the Pioneers 1942
Sons of the Saddle1930
Soul of Nigger Charley (The) 1973
South of Caliente 1951
South of Heaven, West of Hell 2000
South of Hell Mountain 1971
South of Rio 1949
South of
St. Louis / Les Chevaliers du
Texas 1949
South of the Border 1939
South of the Chisholm Trail 1947
South of the Rio Grande / Le Kid du Mexique 1945
Southern Yankee (A) / A mon Héros 1948
Ho 1939
South West Passage / La Caravane du Désert 1953
Gang (The) /
Du Sang dans la Poussière 1974
Spirit of the Eagle 1989
Spirit of the West 1932
Spoilers (The) / Les Forbans 1955
Spoilers (The) / Les Écumeurs 1942
Spoilers of the Forest 1957
Spoilers of the Plains 1951
Spoilers (The) / Les Écumeurs 1930
Rifle / La Mission du Commandant
Lex 1952
Springtime in Texas 1945
Spurs 1930
Stage to Blue River 1951
Stage to Mesa City / Le
Postillon de Mesa City 1947
Stage to
Thunder Rock / La Diligence
Partira à l'Aube 1964
Stage to Tucson / Les Écumeurs des Monts
Apaches 1950
Stagecoach / La Chevauchée Fantastique 1939
Stagecoach / La Diligence vers L'Ouest 1966
Stagecoach Buckaroo 1942
Stagecoach Days 1938
Stagecoach Express 1942
Stagecoach to Dancers' Rock 1962
Stagecoach to Denver 1946
Stagecoach War / La Guerre des Diligences 1940
Stageghost 2000
Stalking Moon (The) /
L’ Homme Sauvage 1968
Stallion Canyon 1949
Stampede 1936
Stampede / Panique Sauvage
au Far West 1949
Stand at Apache River (The) 1953
Star in the Dust - Law Man / La
Corde est Prête 1956
Star of Texas 1953
Starbird and Sweet William 1973
Stardust on the Sage 1942
Stars in My Crown 1950
Stars Over Arizona 1937
Stars Over Texas 1946
Station West / La Cité de la Peur 1948
Storm (The) /
La Tourmente 1930
Stormy / Stormy, Roi de
la Prairie 1935
Story of Will Rogers (The) / L' histoire de Will Rogers 1952
Straight to Hell 1987
Strange Lady in Town / Une Étrangère dans la
Ville 1955
Stranger from Ponca City (The) 1947
Stranger from Santa Fe 1945
Stranger on Horseback 1955
Stranger Wore a Gun (The) / Les Massacreurs
du Kansas 1953
Stranger, The / Deputy (The) 1999
Strangers at Sunrise 1969
Strawberry Roan / L' Indomptable
Mustang 1933
Bill Dorn 1937
Sugarfoot 1951
Shines Bright (The) /
Le soleil brille pour tout le monde 1953
Sundown in Santa Fe 1948
Sundown Jim 1942
Sundown Kid, The 1942
Sundown Rider (The) 1932
Sundowners (The) / Les
Cavaliers du Crépuscule 1950
Sunrise Trail 1931
Sunset / Meurtre à Hollywood 1988
Sunset in El Dorado 1945
Sunset in the West -Rainbow over texas 1950
Sunset in Wyoming 1941
Sunset on the Desert 1942
Sunset Pass / Détective au Far-West 1946
Sunset Pass 1933
Sunset Serenade 1942
Sunset Trail / Ombre sur la Piste 1939
Sunset Trail 1932
Support Your Local Gunfighter /
Tueur malgré Lui 1971
Support Your Local Sheriff! / Ne Tirez pas sur le Sherif 1969
Surrender 1950
Sutter's Gold / L’Or Maudit 1936
Water / L’ étang tragique 1941
Sweet Creek County War (The) 1979
Swifty 1935
Swing in the Saddle 1944
Swing the Western Way 1947
T - T
Cinq milles Dollars, Mort ou Vif 1964
Tailor (The) 2005
Take Me to Town 1953
Talent for Loving (a) 1969
Tall Man
Riding / La Furieuse
Chevauchée 1955
Tall Men, The / Les Implacables 1955
Stranger (The) / Violence dans la Vallée 1957
T (The) / L’ Homme de l'Arizona 1957
Tall Tale /Tall Tale: The Unbelievable Adv. of Pecos Bill / Les
Légendes de l'Ouest 1995
Tall Target (The) /
Le grand attentat 1951
Texan (The) / Les Démons du Texas 1953
Fortunes 1932
Roots / Le Sang de la Terre 1948
Son of Cochise -Son of Cochise /
Taza, Fils de Cochise 1954
Teenage Monster- Monster on the Hill 1958
Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here / Willie Boy 1969
Wanted Men / Dix Hommes à Abattre 1955
Ten Who Dared 1960
Tenderfoot Goes West (a) 1936
Johnson 1942
Tension at Table Rock / Tension
à Rock City 1956
Tenting Tonight on the Old Camp Ground 1943
Terror at Black Falls 1962
Terror in a Texas Town 1958
Terror of Tiny Town (The) 1938
Terror Trail 1933
Terror Trail 1946
Terrors on Horseback 1946
Test (The) 1935
Tex Takes a Holiday 1932
Texan (The) 1930
Texan Meets Calamity Jane (The)
Texan's Honor (a) 1929
Texas Across the River / Texas
Nous Voilà 1966
Texas Bad Man 1953
Texas Bad Man (The) 1932
Texas City 1952
Texas Dynamo 1950
Texas Gun Fighter 1932
Texas Lady / Le Rendez-Vous de Quatre
Heures 1955
Lawmen / Le Gang du Texas 1951
Texas Marshal (The) 1941
Texas Pioneers -Blood Brother (The) / Les Pionniers du Texas 1932
Texas Ranger (The) 1931
Texas Rangers 2001
Rangers (The) / La Légion des Damnés 1936
Texas Stagecoach 1940
Texas Stampede 1939
Tornado 1932
Texican, The 1966
That Texas Jamboree 1946
There Was a Crooked Man… / Le Reptile 1970
These Thousand Hills / Duel
dans la Boue 1959
They Came to Cordura / Ceux
de Cordura 1959
They Died with Their Boots On /
La Charge Fantastique 1941
They Rode West 1954
Thomasine & Bushrod 1974
Thompson 1880 1966
Those Redheads from Seattle 1953
Thousand Pieces of Gold 1991
Three Amigos! 1986
Three Bad Men 2005
Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada (The) / Trois Enterrements 2005
Three Desperate Men 1951
godfathers / Le fils du desert 1936
Three Guns for Texas 1968
Three Hours to Kill / Trois
Heures pour Tuer 1954
Three on the Trail / Le
Cavalier Mystère 1936
Three Outlaws (The) 1956
Three Priest 2008
Three Rogues -Not Exactly Gentlemen 1931
Violent People / Terre Sans Pardon 1957
Three Young Texans 1954
Thrill Hunter (The) 1933
Throwback (The) /
Le Justicier du Ranch 1935
Thunder in God's Country 1951
Thunder in the Pines 1948
Thunder in the Sun / La Caravane vers le
Soleil 1959
Thunder Mountain 1935
Thunder Mountain / Le Pic de la Mort 1947
Thunder Mountain / Le Pic de la Mort 1947
Thunder of Drums (a) / Tonnerre Apache 1961
Thunder over the Plains / La Trahison du
Capitaine Porter 1953
Thunder over the Prairie 1941
Thunder Pass 1954
Thunder Town 1946
Thunder Trail -Thunder Pass 1937
Thunderbolt 1935
Thundering Caravans 1952
Thundering Frontier 1940
Thundering Hoofs 1942
Thundering Trail (The) 1951
Thundering Trails 1943
Thundering West (The) 939
Tickle Me 1965
Timber Country Trouble 1955
Timber Fury 1950
Timber Stampede 1939
Timber Stampede 1939
Timberjack / La Loi du plus Fort 1955
Time for Dying (a) / Qui Tire le Premier 1969
Time for Killing (a) / A la Poursuite des Tuniques Bleues 1967
Timerider : The Adventure of Lyle Swann -Timerider 1982
Star (The) / Du Sang dans le Désert 1957
Tioga Kid (The) 1948
Titled Tenderfoot (The) 1955
Toll of the Desert 1935
Tom Horn 1980
Tomahawk 1951
Tomahawk Trail 1957
Tombstone 1993
Tombstone Canyon 1932
Tonight for Sure -Tonite for Sure 1962
Tonka / Horse Named Comanche (a) 1958
Too Much Beef 1936
Top Gun 1955
Topeka Terror (The) 1945
Tornado Range 1948
Toughest Man in Arizona 1952
Called Hell (a) / Les Brutes dans la
Ville 1971
Tamer / Quand Parle la Poudre 1965
Track of
the Cat 1954
Tracy Rides / La Terreur de la Plaine 1935
Trail Beyond (The) /
L’ Héritage du Chercheur d'Or 1934
Trail Blazers (The) 1940
Trail Dust 1936
Trail Guide 1952
Trail of Kit Carson 1945
Trail of Robin Hood 1950
Trail of the Arrow 1952
Trail of
the Vigilantes / Sur La Piste
des Vigilants 1940
Trail of the Yukon 1949
Trail of Vengeance 1937
Street / Du Sang sur la Piste 1947
Trail to Gunsight 1944
Trail to Laredo 1948
Trail to Mexico 1946
Trail to San Antone 1947
Trail to Vengeance 1945
Trailin' Trouble 1930
Trailing Danger 1947
Trailing Trouble / Le Bandit
Improvisé 1937
Trails End 1935
Trail's End 1949
Trails of Adventure 1933
Trails of Danger 1930
Trails of the Golden West 1931
Robbers (The) / Les Voleurs de Train 1973
Traitor (The) / Le Traître 1936
Trap on Cougar Mountain (The) 1972
Trapped 1937
Trapped in Tijuana 1932
Traveling Executioner (The) 1970
Traveling Saleswoman (The) 1950
Travellers (The) 1957
Treachery Rides the Range 1936
Treason 1933
Treasure of Lost Canyon (The) 1952
Treasure of Pancho Villa (The) / Le Trésor de
Pancho Villa 1955
Treasure of Ruby Hills 1955
of the Sierra Madre (The) / Le Trésor de la Sierra Madre 1948
to a Bad Man / La Loi de la Prairie 1956
Trigger Fast 1994
Trigger Law 1944
Trigger Smith 1939
Trigger Tom 1935
Trigger Tricks / Sa Revanche 1930
Triggerman 1948
Triple Justice 1940
of a Man Called Horse / Le Triomphe d'un Homme Nommé Cheval 1982
Trooper Hook 1957
Trouble in Sundown / Les pillards du Texas 1939
Trouble in Texas / Le Fantôme du Cirque 1937
Trouble in Texas / Le Fantôme du Cirque 1937
Trouble on the Trail 1954
Truce 2005
Grit / Cent Dollars pour un Shérif 1969
True Grit 2011
True Legends of the West 2003
True Story of Jesse James (The) / Le Brigand Bien-Aimé 1957
Trumpet Blows (The) / El
Matador 1934
Tucson 1949
Tucson Raiders 1944
Tulsa Kid (The) 1940
Tumbleweed Trail 1946
Turquoise 2003
Twilight on the Prairie -Prairie Buckaroos 1944
Twilight on the Rio Grande 1947
Twinkle in God's Eye (The) 1955
Twisted Rails 1934
Two Fisted Justice / Seul
Contre Tous 1931
Two Flags West 1950
Two Gun Justice 1938
Two Gun Law 1937
Two Gun Man (The) / L’ Homme aux Deux Fusils 1931
Two Gun Marshal 1953
Two Gun Sheriff 1940
Two Gun Teacher (The) 1954
Two Guns and a Badge 1954
Two in Revolt 1936
Mules for Sister Sara / Sierra
Torride 1970
Two Rode
Together / Les Deux Cavaliers 1961
Two-Fisted Rangers 1939
Two-Fisted Stranger 1946
Two-Gun Caballero 1931
Two-Gun Lady 1955
Two-Gun Man from Harlem 1938
Two-Gun Troubadour- Lone Troubadour (The) / Une Aventure au Texas
Raid / Fureur Apache 1972
Undead or Alive 2007
Undefeated (The) /
Les Géants de l'Ouest 1969
Under a
Texas Moon / Sous le Ciel du Texas 1930
Under California Stars -Under California Skies 1948
Under Colorado Skies 1947
Under Cover Man 1936
Under Fiesta Stars 1941
Under Montana Skies 1930
Under Strange Flags 1937
Under Texas Skies 1930
the Pampas Moon / Les Nuits de la Pampa 1935
Under the Tonto Rim 1933
Under Western Skies 1945
Under Western Stars / Le Cowboy
Chantant 1938
Undercover Man / L' Homme
Caché 1942
Unforgiven / Impitoyable 1992
Unforgiven (The) /
Le Vent de la Plaine 1960
Union Pacific / Pacific Express 1939
Unknown Valley 1933
Molly Brown (the) / La reine du Colorado 1964
Untamed Breed (The) /
Brahma Taureau Sauvage 1948
Untamed Frontier / Passage
interdit 1952
Untamed Heiress 1954
Uphill All the Way / La Poursuite Pitoyable 1986
Utah Kid (The) 1944
Utah Kid (The) 1930
Utah Trail (The) 1938
V - V
Valdez Is Coming / Valdez 1971
Valerie 1957
Valley of Fear 1947
Valley of Fire 1951
of Gwangi (The) / La Vallée de Gwangi 1969
Valley of Hunted Men 1942
Valley of the Giants / La Vallée
des Géants 1938
Valley of the Lawless 1936
Valley of the Sun / La Vallée du
Soleil 1942
of Vanishing Men (The) / La Vallee des Hommes Perdus : en
2 Ép 1.Les Mystères de la Vallée Fantôme, 2. La Bataille Infernale 1942
Valley of Vengeance 1944
Vanishing American (The) /
Courage Indien 1955
Vanishing Frontier (The) 1932
Vanishing Men 1932
Vanishing Outpost (The) 1951
Vanquished (The)
/ La Ville sous le Joug 1951
Vengeance 1964
Valley / La Vallée de la
Vengeance 1951
Cruz 1954
Via Pony Express 1933
Villa !! 1958
Villa Rides / Pancho Villa 1968
Villain (The) /
Cactus jack 1979
Violent Men (The) -Bandits (The) /
Le Souffle de la Violence 1955
Virgin Cowboy (The) 1975
Virginian (The) 1946
Viva Cisco Kid 1940
VivaVilla ! 1934
Zapata 1951
W - W
Wackiest Wagon Train in the West (The) 1976
Waco 1952
Waco / La Loi des Hors-la-loi 1966
Master / le Convoi des Braves 1950
Wagon Team 1952
Wagon Train 1940
East / Prisonniers Malgré Eux 1994
Wagons West 1952
Wagons Westward 1940
Walk Like a Dragon 1960
Walk Tall 1960
Walk the Proud Land -Apache Agent /
L’ Homme de San Carlos 1956
Walking Hills (The) / Les Aventuriers du Désert 1949
Walking Thunder 1997
Wanda Nevada 1979
Wanderer of the Wasteland 1935
Wanderers of the West 1941
War Arrow /
A l'Assaut du Fort Clark 1953
War Drums / Les Tambours de la Guerre 1957
War of the Range 1933
War Paint 1953
War Party 1965
Wagon (The) / La Caravane de Feu 1967
Warlock - Shoot Out at Warlock / L’ Homme aux Colts d'Or 1959
Warpath / Le Sentier de l'Enfer 1951
Warriors way (The) 2010
Waterhole #3 / L’Or des
Pistoleros 1967
Way of a Gaucho / Le Gaucho 1952
Way Out West / Laurel
et Hardy au Far West 1937
Way Out
West / Le Chemin de
l'Ouest 1930
Way Up Thar 1935
West (The) / La Route de
l'Ouest 1967
Welcome to Blood City / Blood
City 1977
Welcome to Hard Times / Frontière
en Flammes 1967
Fargo / Une Nation en Marche 1937
Wesley Cash 2004
West of Abilene 1940
West of Carson City 1940
West of Cheyenne 1938
West of Dodge City 1947
West of Sonora 1948
West of the badlands -Border Legion (The) 1940
West of the Divide / A l'Ouest
des Montagnes 1934
West of the Law 1942
West of the Pecos 1945
West of the Rio Grande 1944
West of the Rockies 1931
West of Wyoming / Les Bagarreurs du Wyoming 1950
West Side Kid 1943
Mail / Courrier de l'Ouest 1937
Western Courage 1935
Western Frontier 1935
Western Mail 1942
Western Pacific Agent 1950
Western Racketeers 1934
Western Renegades 1949
Western Trails 1938
Union / Les Pionniers de la
Western Union 1941
Westerner (The) / Le Cavalier du
Désert 1940
Westward Ho 1942
Westward Ho 1935
Westward Ho the Wagons! / Sur La Piste de l'Oregon 1956
Westward the Women / Convoi
de Femmes 1951
Westworld / Mondwest 1973
When a Man Sees Red 1934
When a Man's a Man 1935null
When the Daltons Rode 1940
When the Kellys Rode 1934
When the
Legends Die / Quand Meurent les
Légendes 1972
Whirlwind 1951
Whirlwind Raiders 1948
Whispering Smith Speaks 1935
Buffalo (The) / Le Bison
Blanc 1977
Eagle / L’Aigle Blanc 1932
Eagle / L’Aigle Blanc 1941
White Fang / Croc-Blanc 1936
White Feather / La Plume Blanche 1955
White Renegade -Empire Builders (The) 1931
White Squaw (The) 1956
Whitewater Sam 1982
Whity 1971
Wichita / Un Jeu Risqué 1955
Die Slow (The) 1968
Wild and the Innocent (The) / Le Bagarreur Solitaire 1959
Wild and Woolly 1937
Wild Beauty 1946
Wild Bill 1995
Wild Bunch (The) /
La Horde Sauvage 1969
Wild Country 1947
Wild Country (The) -Newcomers (The) /
Le Pays Sauvage 1971
Wild Dakotas (The) 1956
Wild Frontier (The) 1947
Heritage / Sur la Piste de la Mort 1958
Wild Horse -Silver Devil / Le Roi du
Rodéo 1931
Wild Horse Ambush 1952
Wild Horse Canyon 1938
Horse Mesa / Blanco, seigneur des
prairies 1932
Wild Horse Mesa 1947
Wild Horse Range 1940
Wild North the / Big North (The) /
Au Pays de la Peur 1952
Rovers / Deux Hommes dans l'Ouest 1971
Wild West Whoopee 1931
Wild Wild West 1999
Will Penny / Will Penny Le
Solitaire 1968
Winchester 73 1950
Wind River 1998
Winds of Autumn (The) 1976
Windwalker 1980
Wing of Aventure1930
Wings of the Hawk / Révolte au
Mexique 1953
Winning of the West 1953
Winterhawk/Le Faucon Blanc 1975
Call / L’Appel du Loup 1939
Woman Hungry 1931
Woman of the north country 1952
Woman Walks Ahead 2017
Wonderful Country (The) / L’Aventurier du Rio Grande 1959
Wooden Gun (The) 2002
Wrath of God (The) / La Colère de Dieu 1972
Wyatt Earp 1994
Wyatt Earp : Return to Tombstone 1994
Wyatt Earp’s Revenge 2012
Wyoming Mail / Dangereuse
Mission 1950
Wyoming Whirlwind -Roaring Rider 1932
Wyoming Wildcat 1941
X - X - Y - Y
Yankee Don (The) 1931
Yellow Hair and the Fortress of Gold / A la Poursuite du Soleil d' Or 1984
Yellow Haired Kid (The) 1952
Yellow Mountain (The) / La Montagne Jaune 1954
Yellowneck 1955
Kelly / Le Géant du Grand Nord 1959
and Free / La Revanche de la
Montagne Magique 1979
Young Billy Young / La Vengeance
du Shérif 1969
Young Daniel Boone / Daniel Boone,
Terreur des Indiens 1950
Young Fury / Furie sur le Nouveau Mexique 1965
Young Guns 1988
Young Guns (The) 1956
Young Guns II 1990
Young Guns of Texas 1962
Young Jesse James 1960
Young Land (The) /
CalifornieTerre Nouvelle 1959
Young Mr
Lincold / Vers sa destinée 1939
Young Rounders (The) 1966
Younger Brothers (The) 1949
Manhunt 1951
Patrol 1942
Yukon Vengeance 1954
Bride 1974
the Avenger / Zorro contre aigle noir 1959
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